It is reported that Apple blocked the update of the mail application that integrated ChatGPT and instructed to raise the age limit to 17 years old or older

It became clear that Apple refused to approve the update of the mail application

BlueMail . BlueMail integrated ChatGPT, an interactive AI, and planned to update to add AI chatbot function, but Apple said, ``There is a risk of generating inappropriate content for children.'' We are requesting an increase from 4 years old to 17 years old.

Apple Blocks Update of ChatGPT-Powered App, as Concerns Grow Over AI's Potential Harm - WSJ

Apple blocks a ChatGPT-based app - See Why -

BlueMail, which integrates ChatGPT developed by AI research company OpenAI, can automate the creation of emails while interacting with AI by referring to the contents of past emails and calendar events.

However, according to an email Apple sent to BlueMail's creator Blix , AI-based BlueMail updates like ChatGPT could not be approved due to concerns that they could generate content inappropriate for children. matter.

Apple also claims that the update that BlueMail integrates with ChatGPT does not include content filtering features that place restrictions on inappropriate language, sexual content, drugs, etc. I requested Blix to set it to . On the other hand, Blix founder Ben Valak said, 'BlueMail has its own content filtering function, and Apple has explained this function in detail.'

Furthermore, Valak said, ' Snapchat , which uses OpenAI's GPT-3, has an age limit of 12 years and above, and Bing , which integrates ChatGPT, has always had an age limit of 17 years and above. Why is only our BlueMail treated differently? I wonder.

In response to Apple's decision, Valak said, ``While other apps with similar AI capabilities without age restrictions have been approved by Apple, this requirement for BlueMail is unfair and Apple has decided not to use BlueMail. It is unfairly targeted.' 'Apple has made it very difficult for users to innovate.'

On the other hand, an Apple spokesperson said, ``App developers can file objections by following the App Review process.We are currently investigating protests by Blix.''

in Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut