The world's fifth HIV-infected person is confirmed to be completely cured

Doctors at Düsseldorf University Hospital have announced that a 53-year-old German man infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) has been cured. This is the fifth case in which an HIV-infected person has been cured.

5th person confirmed to be cured of HIV - ABC News

A man called a 'Dusseldorf patient' for privacy protection was treated to receive a stem cell transplant, and the treatment itself was completed in 2019. Doctors were unable to confirm that the man was officially cured at the time, but after four years the virus was still undetected in his body, suggesting he was cured rather than in long-term remission. I was.

The first person to successfully recover from HIV infection was Timothy Ray Brown . Doctors announced Mr. Brown's case as a 'Berlin patient' in 2009, revealing that he was the first in the world to be cured by stem cell transplantation. In addition, Mr. Brown lost his life in September 2020 due to recurrence of leukemia. In 2019, the 'London patient' Adam Castillejo became known as the second patient in the world to be completely cured, followed by one in New York in 2022, the private clinical research center City One person is confirmed to have been cured by of Hope . All four of these patients had undergone stem cell transplantation.

Björn-Eric Ole Jensen, MD, of Düsseldorf University Hospital, who gave details of the fifth case, said: 'I think we can gain a lot of insight from this patient and similar cases. Clearly a good sign. This case, which has become, shows hope for the future, but much remains to be done.'

Approximately 38.4 million people are estimated to be infected with HIV worldwide, and significant advances have been made in treatment. However, HIV-infected people have been cured by stem cell transplantation, which is one of the exceptions, and Dr. Todd Ellarin, who belongs to South Shore Health, a medical corporation, said, ``Stem cell transplantation is a complicated surgery with many risks. and is too risky to offer as a treatment to everyone living with HIV.'

in Science, Posted by log1p_kr