SK hynix develops the world's fastest mobile DRAM 'LPDDR5T' with 13% improved data transfer speed

SK hynix, a major semiconductor manufacturer, has announced a technology called ' LPDDR5T (Low-Power Double Data Rate 5 Turbo) ' as a new variation of LPDDR5 memory. LPDDR5T further improves the clock speed of LPDDR5 type memory, and SK hynix has declared that the data rate per pin of LPDDR5T will reach 9.6 Gbps, which is 13% faster than the previous generation LPDDR5X's 8.5 Gbps. I'm here.
SK hynix Develops World's Fastest Mobile DRAM LPDDR5T | SK hynix Newsroom
SK hynix Intros LPDDR5T Memory: Low Power RAM at up to 9.6Gbps
At the time of writing the article, many of the technical details of LPDDR5T memory have not been disclosed, but ``LPDDR5T operates at the same voltage as LPDDR5X'' and `` V DD voltage range is 1.01V to 1.12V (nominal 1.05v). It has been announced that VDDQ will be 0.5V.
On top of that, LPDDR5T has a data rate of up to 9.6Gbps/pin and 76.8GB/s data rate for 64bit parts. This is equivalent to transferring 15 Full HD movies per second.
According to SK hynix, it plans to start mass production of LPDDR5T in the second half of 2023. Depending on when production starts and when customers introduce it, LPDDR5T could hit the market as early as the end of 2023.

SK hynix said, 'In November 2022, just two months after the 8.5 Gbps per pin mobile DRAM LPDDR5X hit the market, we have pushed this technology to new limits. By offering products with a variety of storage capacities that meet the needs of customers, we will solidify our leadership in the mobile DRAM market.'
In addition, SK hynix predicts that the demand for memory chips with more advanced specifications will increase as the 5G smartphone market further expands in the IT industry. We expect it to expand into machine learning, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).
SK hynix added, 'With the development of LPDDR5T, we have met the customer's demand for ultra-high performance products. We will continue to work on technology development to lead the next-generation semiconductor market and become a game changer in the IT world. I will come,' he said.
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in Hardware, Posted by log1i_yk