Released in 1983, the source code of Apple's historic 16-bit machine `` Lisa '' equipped with advanced functions that exist in modern OS can be downloaded

The source code of the 16-bit office machine `` Lisa '' released by Apple in 1983 was made open source by the Computer History Museum in California, USA.
Download Apple Lisa
Pioneering Apple Lisa goes “open source” thanks to Computer History Museum | Ars Technica
Lisa, released by Apple in January 1983, had an advanced GUI for its time, with drag-and-drop icons, movable windows, trash can, menu bar, pull-down menus, copy-paste shortcuts, and more. It had important features that are still used in today's operating systems.

However, due to the high price of 9995 dollars (approximately 30,300 dollars / approximately 3.9 million yen in Japanese yen at the time of article creation) and lack of application support, Lisa has failed commercially. . The price of the first Macintosh released in 1984 was greatly reduced, and many of Lisa's inventories at Apple were disposed of.
Regarding the origin of the name Lisa, Apple's official announcement has taken the initials of 'Local Integrated System Architecture', but in reality Apple founder Steve Jobs The theory is that it was taken from Lisa Brennan Jobs, the daughter of Mr.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Lisa, the Computer History Museum has open sourced the Lisa source code written in Pascal . The source code released this time is that of 'Lisa OS version 3.1' released in April 1984.
To download, you need to agree to the Apple Academic License Agreement written on the official website and enter your name and email address. The source package has a capacity of about 26 MB, consists of more than 1300 commented source files, and includes various attached applications and a program development framework for Lisa 'Lisa Toolkit'.

Below is a partial excerpt of the floppy driver code for Lisa OS version 3.1.

Technology media Ars Technica said, ``With the release of the LisaOS source code, researchers and educators can study how Apple developers implemented historically important features 40 years ago. will be.”
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