The developer of the PS2 emulator 'AetherSX2' for Android declares the development cancellation after receiving slander and murder notice

The developer of
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PS2 emulator for Android ends due to developer woes - Android Authority
For many years, the only option for playing PS2 games on Android devices was through an emulator called DamonPS2. However, since DamonPS2 is a commercial closed-source app with a very dubious past, ``The emergence of AetherSX2 was very exciting for emulation fans,'' Android-related media Android Authority wrote.
AetherSX2's official website has been updated, and the page title has been changed to 'Development of AetherSX2 has been suspended indefinitely'. The page reads, 'Endless impersonation, complaints, demands, and death threats ended me' and 'AetherSX2 has always been a fun hobby for me, not for profit. It makes no sense,” and “Please stay safe and watch out for scammers. It is revealed that it can no longer continue due to complaints and death threats.
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In addition, the developer wrote, ``There are multiple people claiming to represent AetherSX2 on various social media, but they are not correct,'' and wary of people impersonating the developers of AetherSX2. I warn you.
On the overseas bulletin board site Reddit , the developer of AetherSX2 said on social media, ``I disabled the channel again. I'm so sick of this app.Thanks everyone.This app is over.' A screenshot was shared, but it's unclear if this is from the AetherSX2 developers or a spoof.
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