How to make ``Shiroko Misoka soba'' as a New Year's Eve soba

Since last week, I've been wondering what to put in toshikoshi soba to end 2022. rice field.

Cod milt from Hokkaido. It's a bargain, so it's a bit of a bargain.

Basically, what kind of soft roe is of high quality? Poor quality products are slightly pinkish or discolored. If it is worse, it may be said that ``the

gallbladder is crushed and has a green or yellow tint .''

This time it's so good...?

As a preparation, dissolve ginger in hot water, let it pass through quickly, then make dashi with bonito, kombu dashi, cooking sake, and soy sauce.

Serve with pre-boiled soba noodles

Sprinkle with chopped green onions and you're done!

Milt looks somewhat fragile, but it actually has a moderate amount of elasticity, so it won't fall apart even if you pick it up with chopsticks. When you slurp the buckwheat while munching the milt, the richness of the milt and the freshness of the soba are well intertwined, and the really good taste spreads in your mouth. As you can see, it's very easy and easy because it's just 'buy the soft roe and boil it in hot water.' I think that some people shy away from the fact that ``Shiroko looks groy'', but this way of eating is recommended because it looks just right.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse