Report of fear that the usage fee of the domain bought from Google for about 1000 yen suddenly increased to over 100,000 yen

Domains that indicate addresses on the Internet, such as '', generally require ongoing renewal fees. Regarding such a domain, as a result of acquiring the domain ``forum. I was.
As you know, domain extensions like .dev and .app are owned by Google. Last year, I bought the domain for one of our projects. When I tried to renew it this year, I was faced with a renewal price of $850 instead of the normal price of $12. — Emir Karşıyakalı (@EmirKarsiyakali) December 10, 2022
Emir Karşıyakalı, founder of services such as Kommunity and moneo , reported on his experiences with domain price increases. Karşıyakalı got the domain '' at the regular price of $12, but when it was renewed in 2022, he was charged more than 70 times the price of $850.
A dev domain is a domain sold by Google and is listed on the support page for $12/year. However, according to Karşıyakalı, '' has been designated as a 'premium domain' by Google, and the usage fee has increased.
Karşıyakalı also posted a report about the domain price hike on the news-sharing site Hacker News. As a result, a person claiming to be an employee of Google Registry appeared and said, ''' was designated as a premium domain from the beginning, and we should have paid the price for a premium domain from the time of the first registration.' has never raised the price of a post-registered domain in its 10-year history.'
Karşıyakalı has published a domain usage invoice in response to the above comment. Looking at the bill, the usage fee for ``'' in 2021 is 4360 Turkish lira (about 32,000 yen), and the usage fee in 2022 has increased to 13,040 Turkish lira (about 95,600 yen). You can see that
For the HN: I am sharing last year's invoice and Google wants to charge me X3 this year. Normally I expected for the first registration that amount, then the normal renewing price following
— Emir Karşıyakalı (@EmirKarsiyakali) December 10, 2022
After Karşıyakalı presented the bill, a person claiming to be a Google Registry employee said the domain price hike was due to 'Google sells domains in dollars' and 'Turkey is experiencing 85% year-on-year inflation.' It is claimed that factors such as In addition, the person pointed out that 13,040 Turkish lira was equivalent to about $ 700 at the time of writing the article, saying, 'Domains in the same price range as '' such as '' are offered for 720 dollars. Considering the fact that it is being sold in Turkey, we can say that a $20 discount has been implemented in Turkey.”
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