Search ads added to privacy-first search engine 'Brave Search', designed with emphasis on convenience without user tracking

The web browser ``
Brave debuts privacy-preserving ads in its search engine | Brave Browser
As with other search engines, Brave Search ads will be clearly labeled and integrated into the search results page. However, Brave explains that Brave Search ads protect user data and anonymity and maintain transparency not found in large companies.
The image below shows an example of how advertisements are actually displayed. You can see the VPN ad at the top of the search results page when you search for 'VPN' in Brave Search.

Brave mentions that advertising is an important part of the search engine, ``facilitating free and open information exchange on the web and helping to connect users with products and services related to search terms.'' Furthermore, ``In other search engines, search ads track user information and violate privacy.In that respect, Brave Search ads are fundamentally different,'' said Brave Search ads. Emphasize non-infringement.
Brave Search is built on a truly independent index on the web, and recently said that as many as 20 million search queries are entered per day. 'This shows that Brave Search is the fastest growing search engine since Microsoft's
He argues that the introduction of advertising into Brave Search will improve Brave's profitability and allow it to maintain independence even as the platform grows larger. He also claims that this will allow Brave to grow further without succumbing to privacy violations by large companies.
Brave Search ads do not track users and are designed according to Brave's commitment to ethical and transparent advertising practices. Even if a user clicks on an ad on Brave Search, Brave Search displays ads based on three pieces of information: search query, country, and device type. does not hold anything. Brave says this is very different from Google Search or Bing.

In addition, Brave has announced that it will offer `` Brave Premium '' for $ 3 a month (about 400 yen) that allows Brave Search to be used without advertisements for users who do not want to see advertisements.
Brave Premium

Brave Search ads will first be operational as a beta version, and text-based ads will be displayed in Brave Search search results. However, even during this beta period, Brave's 'Brave Private Ads' setting is enabled, and it seems that search ads will not be displayed for users using the latest version of Brave. The reason for this is that they are not eligible for the BAT cryptocurrency that Brave distributes to users who have the 'Brave Private Ads' setting enabled. However, Brave is actively working to integrate Brave Rewards and Brave Search, and plans to make search ads eligible for BAT revenue in the coming months.
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in Software, Web Service, Posted by logu_ii