Detailed customization function 'Goggles' added to the search engine unique to the web browser 'Brave'

It was revealed that the number of search queries of the unique search engine '

Brave Search ' installed in the web browser 'Brave' reached 2.5 billion in one year. Until now, 'Brave Search' was a beta version, but one year after its appearance, it became an official version, and when displaying new search results, it can be re-ranked and displayed according to its own rules 'Goggles' The function is added.

Brave Search passes 2.5 billion queries in its first year, and debuts Goggles feature that allows users to choose their own search rankings | Brave Browser

Brave's search engine lets you customize your results --The Verge

'Brave Search' is a search engine provided by Brave as a head-on challenge to the monopoly by major IT companies, and emphasizes the following points.

・ Independence : Create an index from 1 and provide results without depending on Google or Bing
· Privacy : Do not track search content or clicks
・ User first : Users are the best, not the advertising industry or the data industry
Transparency : Do not censor, bias, filter, or downgrade search results
-Seamless : Integrate between browsing function and search, from personalization to immediate result display at the time of input, without compromising privacy.

There are 2.5 billion search queries over the past year. Given that it took a little over a year for Google to reach 2.5 billion queries a year and four years for DuckDuckGo, it's growing at a terrifying rate. The maximum number of queries per day is 14.1 million. The next annual forecast based on monthly aggregates is 5 billion queries.

'The web is changing and our tremendous growth shows that there is a demand for user-first search engines,' said Joseph M. Puyol, chief of search at Brave. To change the traditional search method, we announced 'Goggles' as a new function.

While Google and Bing openly manipulate search result rankings based on multiple factors such as political trends, Brave Search emphasizes openness, filtering and biased ranking. not. 'Goggles' is offered to further promote this openness.

Anyone can create their own Goggles by referring to the documents published on GitHub. You can also use Goggles made by others by accessing the following page. Of course, it is possible to modify and extend Goggles made by others.

Goggles --Brave Search

Even in the default state, Brave provides some Goggles so that you can see how to make Goggles.

・ Tech blogs: Priority display of tech blogs
· Hacker News: Priority is given to domains that are popular in the Hacker News community, excluding those that are among the top 1000 most visited websites.
· No Pinterest: Delete and display pages and threads hosted on Pinterest
-Rust Programming: Priority display of pages related to the programming language 'Rust'
-CopyCats removal: Technical community site-Excludes copied content such as Stack Overflow threads and translated versions of GitHub.
・ 1k short: Display excluding the top 1000 most viewed websites

in Software, Posted by logc_nt