FBI is concerned that `` Twitter user information acquired by Earon Mask may leak to foreign countries ''

The Washington Post reported on November 1, 2022 that the US government has begun considering whether it is possible to review Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter. In the background of the authorities' fear of Mr. Mask's control of Twitter, there is concern that Twitter user information and confidential financial information may be leaked outside the country through Mr. Mask, who has strong ties with overseas investors. It is said that there is

US exploring whether it has authority to review Musk's Twitter deal - The Washington Post


A person familiar with the matter told The Washington Post that within the U.S. government, 'large foreign investors will not be able to access Twitter's sensitive financial information and potential user information. It is said that there is an active debate about whether In response, financial authorities have launched an investigation into whether the government has the legal authority to review Musk's acquisition of Twitter, The Washington Post reports.

Another source said White House officials had also previously discussed the possibility of a national security review of the deal, and two other sources said the FBI also weighed in on potential risks. I am saying that we are investigating

Among the investors feared to have leaked information are the holding company of the Saudi royal family that financed the Twitter acquisition, a subsidiary of a Qatari sovereign wealth fund, and Binance, a major Chinese cryptocurrency exchange. And so on.

The US government is interested in acquiring Twitter because it is expected that Mr. Mask will bring structural changes to Twitter, one of the largest social media in the world.

In addition, it has been pointed out that Mr. Musk, who is also the CEO of a major electric vehicle manufacturer, has a deep connection with China, which is a major producer of lithium, which is indispensable for manufacturing batteries. Saudi Arabia, which is pouring capital, has a chasm with the Joe Biden administration. As a result, the US government, which is in conflict with China in terms of economics and the Middle East due to differences in humanitarian positions, is nervous about Mr. Mask holding Twitter's confidential information.

Nonetheless, since these surveys are generally intended to investigate investments and acquisitions by foreigners, there is no unified view as to whether Mr. Musk, an American, will be subject to review. . On the other hand, in the 2018 Commission on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) regulations, ``CFIUS concerns not only investments by foreigners but also important areas such as highly sensitive personal information held by companies. Minority shareholders can also be investigated.”

A Treasury Department spokeswoman said: 'CFIUS is committed to taking all necessary actions within its authority to protect the national security of the United States, whether under review or not. CFIUS will not publicly comment on the transaction.' An FBI spokesperson also declined to comment.

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks