Sales of iPhones without chargers are prohibited in Brazil, Apple prepares to appeal

On September 6, 2022, the Brazilian Ministry of Justice announced that it would be illegal to sell the iPhone without a charger, and that it would revoke the sales permission for the iPhone 12 series and later, which sold the charger separately. Apple has decided to appeal the decision.
Suspensa a venda de iPhones sem carregador no Brasil — Português (Brasil)
Ministério da Justiça determina suspensão de venda de iPhone sem carregador e aplica multa de R$ 12 milhões à Apple | Tecnologia | G1 r-12-milhoes-a-apple.ghtml
Brazil suspends iPhone sales without power bricks and fines Apple
Apple to appeal Brazil sales ban of iPhone without charger | Reuters
Consumers in Brazil have voiced opposition to Apple, which sold the power adapter for charging separately from the iPhone 12 series that appeared in November 2020, and Brazilian consumer protection authorities and courts have been following Apple one after another. ordered to pay fines and compensation.
The court orders Apple to pay compensation as ``it is illegal to sell the iPhone without a power adapter'', denying the excuse of environmental protection-GIGAZINE

Apple claims that the iPhone does not come with a power adapter to protect the environment, but Brazilian authorities say that not including a power adapter, a product that is essential to the use of the iPhone, is a ban on tying-in with the country's consumption. I have not broken my stance of violating the law.
Therefore, in October 2021, the Brazilian Ministry of Justice issued a guideline violation notice to Apple and Samsung, which do not include a power adapter, and in May 2022, the consumer protection regulator requested that administrative procedures be started against both companies. instructed to In response, Samsung included a free power adapter with the Galaxy Z Flip 4 and Z Fold 4 , but Apple continued to sell iPhones without a power adapter.
As the conflict between Brazilian authorities and Apple deepened, the country's Ministry of Justice finally decided to ban the sale of iPhones that do not come with a power adapter. Brazilian news media G1 said, ``The Brazilian government ordered Apple to pay a fine of 12,275,500 reals (about 335 million yen), and canceled the registration of the iPhone brand after the iPhone 12 series, We have immediately stopped distributing all iPhone branded smartphones that do not come with a power adapter, regardless of model.'
In response, Apple commented that it will continue to work with the Brazilian Ministry of Justice National Consumer Affairs Agency (SENACON) to continue efforts to ``resolve the concerns of the authorities,'' but plans to appeal against this decision. clarified.
In a statement to the media, Apple said, 'We have already won several court decisions in Brazil on this issue, and we are confident that our customers will accept a variety of options for charging and connecting their devices. We are here,” he said.

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