Cats have night vision 6-8 times better than humans
If you meet a cat on the street at night, it may run away into the darkness as if you could see it. According to experts, even though cats can't see in total darkness, they can recognize objects six to eight times better than humans in a slightly lit environment.
Can cats really see in the dark? | Live Science
Can cats see in the dark? And other cat eyesight facts
In darkness, where there is no light, cats cannot see like humans. However, since the eyes of cats have many rod cells that sense light, they are excellent in the ability to recognize objects with a small amount of light, and their night vision ability is 6 to 8 times higher than that of humans.
It seems that the reason why cats have high night vision ability is that they have to hunt because they are carnivorous animals. Night vision is necessary because many of the prey are nocturnal and active in dimly lit places. However, cats are not nocturnal, they prefer to hunt from dusk to dawn, and their excellent hearing and sense of smell help them to be active even in low-light environments, says the University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine. expert Caryn Plummer points out.
In addition, Ron Obrey of the Jerusalem Hebrew University Coleto School of Veterinary Medicine says that cats pay the price of daytime vision in exchange for night vision ability. According to Obry, cats' daytime vision is only about one-seventh that of humans.
In addition, humans have three types of cone cells, which are color receptors, but cats have only two types, and while they perceive blue and yellow sensitively, they see red and green as gray.
Since there is no muscle that deforms the eyeball to focus, the best focal length is within 6m, and he is not good at looking far away. I'm not good at looking at things in front of me, but in this case, it seems that I'm following with a beard.
However, the field of view is wide, humans cover 180 degrees with both eyes plus 20 degrees each, while cats cover 200 degrees with both eyes plus 30 degrees each. In addition, it is sensitive to movement, so it can catch fast-moving prey.
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in Creature, Posted by logc_nt