Earon Mask's claim that ``Twitter is covered with bots'' is ``a low-precision tool that certifies the mask itself as a bot,'' Twitter pointed out


Eden, Janine and Jim

In a 127-page document filed by Twitter in court after Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX, canceled the acquisition of Twitter, Musk's spam analysis tools were: It points out that Mr. Mask's account itself was diagnosed as a bot.

Twitter says Musk's spam analysis used tool that called his own account a bot | Ars Technica

In April 2022, Mr. Musk, who became Twitter's largest shareholder , said he would acquire Twitter, and Twitter also announced that it had agreed to be acquired by Mr. Musk.

Twitter agrees to acquire 5.6 trillion yen by Elon Musk - GIGAZINE

by Steve Jurvetson

However, Mr. Mask doubts Twitter's public information that `` less than 5% of monetizable daily active users (DAUs) are spam or fake, '' and unless this public information is proven to be correct, the merger agreement claim not to sign. In July 2022, we officially announced that we would withdraw from the acquisition.

Elon Musk announces that it will cancel the acquisition of Twitter - GIGAZINE

Twitter filed a lawsuit against Musk, saying that the cancellation of the Musk acquisition was a breach of contract.

Twitter sues Elon Musk and urges it to fulfill its promise to acquire - GIGAZINE

In a court filing, Twitter said, 'Mr. Musk, who is a multi-company founder and billionaire, was tricked by Twitter after receiving advice from Wall Street investors and lawyers.' Musk claims to have signed a $44 billion merger deal (about 5.6 trillion yen at the time), but the story is implausible and untrue. 'It's a story he made up to get out of the deal when the merger agreement became unattractive, and his personal billions of dollars are depreciating.'

Furthermore, Twitter said, 'Mr. Musk's counterclaim is based on distortion, misrepresentation, and outright deception, and nothing will change. Mr. Musk is obligated to sign the merger agreement and complete the merger.' .


Twitter points out that the tool used by Mr. Musk is Botometer developed by Indiana University. This Botometer claims that Mr. Mask's Twitter account was scored 4 out of 5, which means that it is very likely that it is a bot. Botometer points out that Musk's account is being inaccurately diagnosed due to a bug in the Twitter API due to a large number of retweets and mentions.

The news site Protocol uses Botometer to check Mr. Musk's account, and as of early May 2022, Botometer scored 4 out of 5 points, but a few days later it was 1.4 points, and a few more days. It later dropped to 0.5 points. In other words, although Mr. Mask's account was certainly diagnosed as a bot, it became possible to judge that it was a human being by accumulating public data. Protocol points out that it is difficult to identify bots with Botometer using only public data.

Twitter said, 'Botometer does not attempt to apply Twitter's definition of fake or spam accounts. In fact, bots that are useful under Twitter's platform manipulation or spam policies, such as bots that report earthquakes or weather changes,' Twitter said. There are also many accounts, and Mr. Musk has not provided a score to apply to conclude that the account is spam.In other words, Mr. Musk's claim is unverifiable.'

Twitter also argues that 'Mr. Musk has no right to terminate the contract based on the number of spam accounts.' Because there was no reference to false or spam accounts in the merger agreement, and because Musk did not solicit that information from Twitter before signing the merger agreement, Twitter denied Musk's allegations. The merger agreement includes a customary statement that ``no filings with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (SEC) on or after January 1, 2022 will contain any material false or misleading statements of fact.'' 'There is no right for the buyer to terminate the transaction based on the accuracy of the documents submitted.'

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On the other hand, Mr. Musk said, ``Botometer is a tool that has been improved over the past eight years, and its developers have published many papers about Botometer, including more than 1,000 citations in academic literature. There are things,” he said.

'We negotiated a statement regarding the veracity of Twitter's SEC disclosures that distorted Twitter's value and caused Musk to agree to buy the company at an inflated price,' Musk said in a statement. 'Twitter's complaint, full of personal attacks on Mr. Musk and flashy rhetoric aimed more at media extortion than at court, is a distraction from these misrepresentations.' Twitter's strategy is to deflect the truth about disclosure and obfuscate the data from investors and truth-pointing Musk factions.'

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