Twitter to provide raw tweet data 'firehose' to Elon Musk, bot-covered suspicion

It turns out that Twitter is making adjustments by providing Elon Musk with all real-time tweet data called 'fire hose'. Mr. Musk is proposing to acquire Twitter, but he is reluctant to continue the acquisition negotiations because it is suspected that the number of bot accounts announced by Twitter is different from the actual situation.

Twitter to provide spam data to Elon Musk as part of deal --The Washington Post

Twitter will give Elon Musk'firehose' data access to settle bot complaints --The Verge

The Washington Post announced on June 8, 2022, 'Twitter's board of directors will go to'firehose', a huge data stream of more than 500 million tweets posted daily in response to Mr. Musk's request for internal data. We plan to provide full access to. '

'Fire hose' is a service that collectively provides information on a large number of tweets by Twitter users. Since it is so huge data, it is difficult to effectively use it unless a system for automatic analysis is in place, but so far about 20 companies have data on real-time tweets, tweeted devices, tweeted accounts, etc. from Twitter. I am purchasing access to.

There is concern that the acquisition negotiations will fail behind Twitter's decision to provide data to Mr. Musk. In April 2022, Mr. Musk was eager to eliminate bots by raising funds for the acquisition of Twitter and saying , 'If the acquisition is successful, we will eliminate spambots.'

However, despite the findings on Twitter that 10% of active accounts post spam content and reports that about 20% of accounts are spam or fake accounts, the company is consistent. And claims that 'bots are less than 5%'. In response, Mr. Musk said, 'We cannot move forward with the acquisition of Twitter until the bot proves to be less than 5%.'

Elon Musk tweeted, 'Twitter acquisition can't move forward until Twitter bots prove to be less than 5%.' --GIGAZINE

by Daniel Oberhaus

According to a person who provided information to The Washington Post on condition of anonymity, 'firehose' may be available within the week.

The IT news site The Verge contacted Twitter, but declined to comment on The Washington Post's coverage. Instead, the company said, 'Twitter has and will continue to collaborate with Mr. Musk to complete the transaction in accordance with the terms of the merger agreement. We have agreed prices and terms. We will complete the transaction and execute the merger agreement at. ”, Admitting that he is sharing information with Mr. Musk, but expressed confidence that the negotiations with Mr. Musk will proceed as planned.

in Web Service, Posted by log1l_ks