It was discovered that many smartphones were hacked with spyware 'Pegasus' and all personal information was missing.

It is reported that the smartphone spyware '

Pegasus ' developed by the Israeli company NSO Group was used by government agencies and intelligence agencies in each country to monitor civilian activists and rebels. Based in the University of Toronto, Canada, a total of more than 30 Thai activists and their supporters' smartphones were newly infected with Pegasus, and audio, photos, emails, contacts, etc. were missing. It was found by investigations by security research institutes such as Citizen Lab .

GeckoSpy: Pegasus Spyware Used Against Thailand's Pro-Democracy Movement --The Citizen Lab

Pegasus spyware used to hack dozens of activists in Thailand --The Washington Post

Israeli Pegasus Spyware Used Against Dozens of Thai Pro-democracy Activists, Report Says --Israel News / 00000182-0dd8-d5f6-abe3-0ffbc44d0000

Pegasus, developed by NSO Group, exploits vulnerabilities in iPhone and Android smartphones to infect smartphones, including emails, call history, posts on social media, passwords, contacts, photos, movies, recorded files, and browsing history. It is a spyware that collects data such as. Pegasus is sold to Israeli exporters and is sold only to government law enforcement or intelligence agencies.

In 2021, it wasreported that 'more than 180 journalists, human rights activists, politicians and businessmen were being monitored at Pegasus in 20 countries,' as well as journalists killed inside the Saudi Consulate General in Turkey in 2018. It is known that Pegasus was also used to hack Jamal Khashoggi .

In response to this situation, the US government blacklisted the NSO Group, the developer of Pegasus, in November 2021.

The United States blacklists four companies including the developer of the hacking tool 'Pegasus' --GIGAZINE

Also in the same month, Apple sent a notification to suspected victims of Pegasus. It included at least six activists and researchers who were critical of the Thai government. Those who received notifications from Apple contacted digital rights advocates such as Access Now, international human rights NGO Amnesty International, and Thai digital advocates to request a smartphone survey.

Citizen Lab and Amnesty International have investigated the smartphones of Thai activists and found that a total of more than 30 activists, scholars, lawyers and NGOs have been infected with Pegasus. The Pegasus infection occurred from October 2020 to November 2021, and the time of infection was active when the target was involved in a rally against the government. Although there is no conclusive evidence that the attack was by a Thai government agency, Citizen Lab argues that it is reasonable to assume that the Thai government is involved from the circumstantial evidence.

Political turmoil is frequent in Thailand, including military coups in 2006 and 2014 . In 2016, King Pumipon (Rama IX) , who had received tremendous support from the people, collapsed, and Wachiralongkorn (Rama 10) , who has weak support from the people, became the new king. Is getting stronger.

After the 2019 general election, many protesters and supporters have been arrested, and from the second half of 2020, the number of cases of applying 'profane' to those who insulted the royal family has increased rapidly. In January 2021, a woman in her 60s, a former national civil servant, was sentenced to 43 years and 6 months in prison, the longest sentence ever. Among the people who were found to be infected with Pegasus this time, there are activists and human rights lawyers who have been repeatedly arrested and imprisoned. In addition, Thai actress Intira Charoenpura , who openly supported the protests, and rapper Dechathorn “Hockhacker” Bamrungmuang, who released a song criticizing the government, were also infected with Pegasus on their smartphones.

in Mobile,   Software,   Security, Posted by log1h_ik