I tried to eat 'Halo-halo fruit ice ripe pineapple' which makes the body chilly with frozen pineapple chilled in Kinkin at Ministop

'Halo- halo fruit ice ripe pineapple ', which is a pineapple with frozen flesh and plenty of soft serve ice cream, is available at Ministop from July 1, 2022 (Friday). It is said that only pineapples carefully selected by checking the sweetness and sourness are used. It seems that the Hinyari sweets are perfect for the hot season, so I actually tried it and checked the taste.

Halo-halo Fruit Ice Ripe Pine | Halo-halo | Cold Sweets | Product Information | Ministop


Arrived at Ministop.

On the window of the store, there was a POP that appealed to the desired 'halo-halo fruit ice ripe pineapple'.

'Halo-halo fruit ice ripe pineapple' was provided in about 2 minutes from the order.

The bottom of the cup is filled with pineapple pulp.

When you try it, the rich milk-flavored ice cream and the chilled pineapple will cool your mouth. Pineapple has no wateriness and has a refreshing sweetness. 'Halo-halo fruit ice ripe pineapple' cooled the hot body from the inside after moving under the scorching sun for about 10 minutes to Ministop.

'Halo-halo fruit ice ripe pineapple' is 360 yen excluding tax and has appeared in Ministop nationwide from July 1, 2022 (Friday). Also, from the same day, ' Halo-halo crackling summer soda ' and ' Halo -halo polar bear' have appeared.

in Tasting, Posted by log1o_hf