Tesla is the number one traffic accident for self-driving cars, Honda is second, and Subaru is third.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released data on the safety of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) or its shortcomings on June 15, 2022. It turns out that Tesla vehicles accounted for about three-quarters of the cases reported in the approximately one year from 2021 to 2022.

Standing General Order on Crash Reporting | NHTSA


NHTSA data shows Teslas using Autopilot crashed 273 times in less than a year | Ars Technica

Since June 2021, a level 2 ADAS that assists steering and acceleration / deceleration operations with a computer while the vehicle is running is operating within 30 seconds of the collision, and the collision involves a 'vulnerable person' or a fatal accident. Manufacturers are required to report all applicable cases to NHTSA in the event of a victim being taken to a hospital for vehicle towing, airbag deployment, or treatment.

According to NHTSA, of the 367 collisions reported between July 2021 and May 15, 2022, 273 were from Tesla vehicles. This is followed by Honda with 90 cases and Subaru with 10 cases. In addition, due to some factors, the total number of figures in the graph exceeds 367.

The NHTSA Defects Investigation Office (ODI) also investigated 11 Tesla vehicle crashes using Level 2 ADAS autopilot systems in August 2021 and is more comprehensive in June 2022. We are doing engineering analysis. Tesla's autopilot system has been repeatedly pointed out by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration as unsafe, and NHTSA said, 'Tesla does not operate vehicles outside their operational design scope or beyond their system design capabilities. We do not recognize the importance of ensuring safety equipment to ensure that we do so. '

In addition, according to NHTSA, as a result of analyzing 16 cases of Tesla car collision accidents that occurred in June 2022, there were multiple cases where automatic driving was stopped 1 second before the car collided and driving control was handed over to humans. It was seen.

However, NHTSA states that there are some points to be aware of in the published data, and that access to accident data varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, and that some accident data is incomplete. NHTSA's summary report for each accident is not always correct, as the manufacturer's accident data may be processed internally as a complaint and some data has been edited to protect personal and confidential company information. It is noted that this is not the case.

in Ride, Posted by log1i_yk