Amazon announces 'Virtual Try-On for Shoes' that allows you to try on shoes virtually with AR function

Shopping online has become commonplace, and we are now in an era where you can buy everything you need for your life online while you are at home. However, if you don't actually wear clothes and shoes, you won't know if it suits you, so even if you buy them online, you may fail. Amazon has announced ' Virtual Try-On for Shoes ', a service that allows you to try on shoes virtually using augmented reality (AR) in the iOS version of the app. VirtualTryOn: Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry

Amazon Virtual Try-On for Shoes uses AR to show them on your feet

Virtual Try-On for Shoes is a service available for shoes, some T-shirts, and glasses. Open the shoe store page in Amazon's iOS app and tap 'Virtual Try-On for Shoes'.

The camera will start, so take a picture of your feet and tap the photo of the shoe you want to try.

Then, I was able to change to the specified shoes in the AR space.

You can change shoes instantly by tapping another shoe.

Amazon says, 'Virtual Try-On for Shoes gives you a fun and interactive way to buy shoes in Amazon's shopping app because you can visualize what your shoes look like from all angles before you buy. I will. '

In 2017, Amazon provided an ' AR view ' function that allows you to try 'what it would be like if you had this product in your home' in advance using AR. At the time of writing the article, the AR view function is also provided in Japan.

Introducing AR view-YouTube

Virtual Try-On for Shoes will be released in the United States and Canada at the time of article creation, first provided in the iOS version of the app, and will be implemented in the Android version of the Amazon app at a later date.

in Mobile,   Software,   Web Service,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk