NASA Holds Mars VR Simulator Scenario Building Contest

NASA will hold a contest on the theme of scenario construction of 'Mars XR Operations Support System', an environmental simulator on Mars. The total prize money is 70,000 dollars (about 9 million yen).
NASA MarsXR Challenge | NASA

NASA MarsXR Challenge | HeroX
NASA Needs Your Help Building A VR Mars Simulator --VR Scout
'Mars XR Operations Support System' is a virtual environment simulator on Mars jointly developed by NASA with Buendea using Unreal Engine 5 of Epic Games, which was officially released in April 2022.
However, it is said that it is in a state of 'just having a simulator', so a contest will be held aiming to build an extravehicular activity scenario that may be encountered on Mars. ..
The contest is divided into five categories: 'base construction,' 'scientific research,' 'maintenance (base operation),' 'exploration,' and 'things that overwhelm us (freedom).' There are four awards for each category, and the best performers in each category will receive $ 6,000 (about 780,000 yen).
Anyone over the age of 18 is OK to participate.
The editors needed to build the scenario are available at the Epic Games Store.
NASA XOSS MarsXR Editor | Download for Free --Epic Games Store

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