NASA is looking for a novel idea about a 'space toilet' that can be used in both weightless space and moon gravity

NASA's Lunar Loo Challenge | HeroX
NASA's Lunar Loo Challenge | NASA

By 2024, NASA's Artemis project aims to be the first woman on human landing on the moon. The Artemis plan is also an important plan to establish an extraterrestrial base on the lunar surface for the first human exploration of Mars , and for this reason NASA has begun development of various new equipment such as development of a lunar lander. I will.
Under the Artemis program, astronauts will eat and excrete in a microgravity (zero gravity) environment or a low gravity environment on the moon. Space toilets already exist and are used, for example, at the International Space Station (ISS), but because these space toilets are designed specifically for the microgravity environment, they are more compact. It is said that the development of toilets that function more efficiently in 'space and the moon' is required. NASA has already started developing a new space toilet to realize the Artemis plan, but decided to hold an idea competition ``NASA's Lunar Loo Challenge'' to seek an idea of an approach different from existing aerospace engineering I heard you did. NASA is looking for a toilet where astronauts can excrete in the same way as when they are on the earth in a spacecraft, and that toilet is a 'microgravity environment' and 'a moon surface that is only about 1/6 of the earth' Should work both under gravity.
You can participate in the NASA's Lunar Loo Challenge from the following page. In addition to the main category, there is also a junior category in which children under the age of 18 can apply. The total prize money of the idea competition is 35,000 dollars (about 3.8 million yen), the prize money is distributed to the top 3 designs of ideas submitted to the main category, the first place is 20,000 dollars (about 2.2 million yen), The second place will get 10,000 dollars (about 1.1 million yen), the third place will get $ 5,000 (about 500,000 yen). In addition, three winners in the Junior category will receive a review by NASA and a prize with the NASA logo.
NASA's Lunar Loo Challenge | HeroX

NASA's idea for a 'new space toilet' requires not only to be used in a microgravity environment and lunar gravity, but also to have a size of 4.2 cubic feet (about 1.3 cubic meters) or less and operate with a sound of 60 decibels or less. Is to do. It also needs to be able to collect both urine and feces at the same time and hold at least 1 liter of liquid waste and 500 grams of solid waste. In addition, you should be able to collect at least 114 grams of menstrual blood per day.
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