What are the four important factors for finding 'meaning of life'?

It is often said that 'meaning of life' is important in life, but many people think that 'I don't know what is the purpose of life for me.' Rachel Cook, a leadership and work environment expert, explains 'the four key factors in finding a purpose in life.'
How to Discover Your Ikigai, aka Your Life's Purpose
In the United States in recent years, a phenomenon called ' Great Resignation ', in which a large number of workers resign, has been attracting attention, and it has been pointed out that the wave of mass turnover may also flood Japan. Cook argues that the pandemic may have changed people's lives and minds and began to think about life and themselves. Therefore, I list the 'four elements' that make up the 'meaning of life' that are important in my life, and add explanations for each element using myself as an example.
◆ 1: What I love
After graduating from graduate school, Cook said he joined a company that offers management rotation programs, but at the time he said, 'I didn't know what I wanted to do.' After working for the company for five years, Mr. Cook was so successful that he was responsible for the business, personnel, budget, etc. of the entire department, but he was particularly pleased to be entrusted with the budget and management. did not.
On the other hand, Mr. Cook said that he was pleased with 'being involved with people', and he realized that he was the type of person who was energized by being involved with people. 'I loved meeting people, making connections, and listening to fresh ideas. I'm a speaker, a listener, a coffee drinker with someone, an observer. I was really happy to do these things, 'Cook said, claiming that it was a discovery that would shape future careers such as human resources development and mentoring.

◆ 2: What I am good at
What you love should be what you want to live for, but if you are looking for a job-related purpose, whether you are good at it or not is also an important factor. 'It was useful to recognize the love of engaging with people, but did I really have a talent in this area?' Cook said, noting that likes are not always tied to what they are good at. I am. Fortunately, Cook thinks about this and is good at hiring the right people, training employees, coaching them, and listening to ideas on how to improve their way of working. He said he was aware of it.
Cook said, 'Now it's your turn. Look around. What do you like to spend your time on? If you do that, it tastes better than the brownies I baked. Look for the crossroads of joy and skill. Look for your passion. '
◆ 3: What the world needs
In order to further enhance your purpose of life, it is important not only to find a point that matches your loved ones and skills, but also to find a point where your purpose of life overlaps with 'what the world needs'. In the case of Cook, he found a crossroads between what he loved and what he was good at, and turned to a human resources job, but eventually he wanted to show his skills more, and his business called '
Cook also pointed out that 'what the world needs' does not necessarily have to be a lofty purpose or a saver. 'Your mission does not have to solve the world's hunger, but providing what you believe to add value to the world is a great way to achieve your goals and purpose.' ..

◆ 4: Livelihood
Finally, Cook argues that 'whether it meets commercial viability' and that 'motivation' that meets the above four points leads to a profession. There are many 'projects that were innovative and passionate about themselves, but ended up failing', but some of them didn't meet commercial demand. Is the cause.
In the case of Cook, he talked with business leaders in a wide range of organizations and industries before actually starting a business to see if what he really offered would create commercial value. As a result of these preliminary investigations, Cook said he was able to start a business with confidence that his service had market demand.

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