Ukrainian government sells Russian invasion as NFT art

The Ukrainian government has announced plans to sell Russia's ongoing invasion as timeline-style

NFT art.

Ukraine is selling a timeline of the Russian invasion as NFTs --The Verge

'Russia is using tanks to destroy Ukraine, but we rely on innovative blockchain technology,' said Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov on his Twitter account. We are announcing the launch of the META HISTORY: Museum of War as a place to keep records of the war. It is also a place to celebrate Ukraine's identity and freedom. Check it out here. ' Tweeted.

'META HISTORY: Museum of War' established by the Ukrainian government is a project to keep a record of the war with Russia as an art work using NFT. Art works created using NFT will be on sale on FAIR.XYZ , and will be on sale from 24:00 on March 30, 2022. The NFT that exists on the META HISTORY: Museum of War at the time of writing the article is a combination of the events for three days since Russia started invading Ukraine on February 24, and the number of works is 54 cases in total.

Warline --Meta History: Museum of War

An example of an NFT work is as follows. The top shows what happened on what day of the invasion, the name of the artist of the art, and an explanation of what happened at this time.

Sales of META HISTORY: Museum of War NFT works will be 100% devoted to the support of the Ukrainian military and civilians, and all sales will be transferred directly to the cryptocurrency account held by the Ministry of Digital Transformation under the Ukrainian government.

in Web Service,   Art, Posted by logu_ii