Reddit quarantines Russia-related subreddits 'r / Russia' and 'r / Russia Politics' and deprives malicious moderators of administrative authority

Reddit, a major bulletin board site, has a thread called 'subreddit' for each community, in which various topics are talked about by users. Reddit has quarantined the subreddits r / Russia and r / Russia Politics due to the many misinformation about Russia's invasion of Ukraine since February 24, 2022.

Reddit has quarantined r / Russia subreddit due to misinformation

As the name implies, r / Russia is a subreddit where news and topics related to Russia are written, and more than 265,000 users have registered at the time of writing the article. In addition, r / Russia Politics was a subreddit limited to the topic of 'international politics from the Russian side', and it was a place with a stronger political character than r / Russia.

Since Russia began its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, r / Russia and r / Russia Politics have posted many posts justifying or defending Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The contents were 'Ukraine is giving propaganda and false alarms', 'Ukrainian troops are discriminating and slaughtering like Nazi Germany', and 'Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky should be judged as a war criminal'.

Quarantined subreddits will no longer appear in searches, recommendations, or feeds not specified by the user. Also, if you access the quarantined subreddit, you will be warned about the content. In the case of r / Russia, the warning 'This subreddit contains a large amount of information that is not backed by a trusted source' was displayed.

Also, on the r / Russia page, the Russian flag was set in the header image and the photo of

St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow was set in the background image, but both were deleted at the time of writing the article and it is plain. increase. The header image and background image have been removed from r / Russia Public as well.

A Reddit spokeswoman for the news site Mashable said, 'We have segregated r / Russia and r / Russia Politics in line with our policy and removed moderators who did malicious acts. We remain. We contacted directly with the moderators to provide guidance and reaffirm the policy. We will continue to monitor and take additional steps as needed. ' It was revealed that the moderator of the sub-reddit was deprived of the management authority of the sub-reddit.

A Reddit spokeswoman said, 'We clearly state our policy that moderators and users cannot interact with or disrupt conversations or communities on the platform.'

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk