Russian media peeed 'victory article' and deleted immediately

It was revealed that

RIA Novosti , the media for the Russian domestic market, mistakenly posted the winning news at 8 o'clock on February 26, 2022. RIA Novosti said, 'Ukraine is back in the hands of Russia.' 'Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are acting as a single geopolitically.' 'A new world is born in front of us.' To celebrate Russia's victory. The article was deleted immediately, but the full text is stored in the Internet Archive.

Ukraine invasion: Russian state media article deleted after suggesting Russia victory achieved | World News | Sky News

You can check the articles published by RIA Novosti from the following pages.

Наступление России и нового мира --РИА Новости, 26.02.2022

In the article, RIA Novosti said, 'The tragedy of 1991 (the collapse of the Soviet Union and the founding of the Russian Federation) has been overcome. Russia is regaining its historic fulfillment, with large Russians, Belarusians, and small Russians . We gathered together. If we abandoned this and established a temporary division for centuries, we not only betrayed the memories of our ancestors, but also allowed the collapse of Russia. Would have been cursed by the descendants of the Soviet Union. Vladimir Putin decided not to leave the solution of the Ukrainian problem to future generations and, without exaggeration, took on historical responsibility. '

It's unclear if this article was published with the intention of propaganda, but Belarusian media Nexta said, 'Since the article was published just at 8 o'clock, the publication was planned in advance. They were planning to occupy Ukraine in two days. '

Unlike the past, this war has attracted a lot of live voices from citizens, so it has been described as the 'TikTok War' and the fact that information is spreading through social media is attracting attention. However, due to the news such as this time and the spread of disinformation by the media and individuals, government agencies and social media are calling for caution in handling information. Twitter, Facebook, etc. have responded by deleting the account that sends hoaxes, but the Russian authorities have responded by blocking domestic access to Twitter and Facebook. It is also believed that Russia is developing a 'false flag operation' that disseminates false information domestically and raises antipathy toward Ukraine.

What is the 'false flag operation' used by Russia invading Ukraine? --GIGAZINE

in Posted by log1p_kr