A digital version of the encyclopedia 'Iconographic Encylopædia' containing more than 13,000 illustrations published in the 1800s for free is released.

The encyclopedia ' Iconographic Encylopædia ', which was published in the mid-1800s and contains more than 13,000 illustrations and more than 1.6 million words, was digitized by Chicago-based designer Nicholas Rougeux. I am.
Iconographic Encylopædia --C82: Works of Nicholas Rougeux
In 1844, German illustrator Johann Georg Heck began editing an illustrated encyclopedia covering a wide range of subjects, from astronomy to zoology, and began editing a 10-part original encyclopedia over the three years from 1849 to 1851. Published an encyclopedia. The encyclopedia was originally titled 'Bilder-Atlas zum Conversations-Lexicon. Ikonographische Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste' and was positioned as a supplementary dictionary to the German Brockhaus Enzyk.
Later, the above encyclopedia came to be considered a 'symbolic encyclopedia in science, literature and art' and was translated into English from 1851 to 1852 under the name 'Iconographic Encylopædia'. It was then edited by Spencer Fullerton Baird, the first curator of the Smithsonian Castle.
'Iconographic Encylopædia,' who has been digitizing this 'Iconographic Encylopædia,' said, 'In 13 months, we have integrated 500 engraved plates and 3000 pages of text scans into one comprehensive scan. Is now available for download under a public domain license. '
The digital version of 'Iconographic Encylopædia' published by Mr. Rougeau can be accessed from the following.
Iconographic Encyclopædia of Science, Literature, and Art

In the digital version of 'Iconographic Encylopædia', the introduction, mathematics, astronomy, physics, meteorology, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botanical science, zoology, geography and planography , anthropology and surgery, history and ethnology, military science, It is divided into categories such as naval science, architecture, fine art, technology, myths and religious ceremonies, and you can browse similar explanations and illustrations from the categories.
Each category is a set of a huge description (left image) and an illustration (right image) about the category.

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