What is the physical archive 'Rosetta Disk' to convey the current language to the world 10,000 years later?

Very Long-Term Backup - Long Now
While paper is an excellent backup medium that can retain information for thousands of years, it is impractical for storing large amounts of information. Also, while a device that stores digital data such as a DVD can store a large amount of information in a small space, the information is quickly lost due to deterioration over time. Therefore, it is believed that a new media that combines the durability of paper with the accessibility of digital devices is needed.

The technology announced by
In 1999, Doug Carlston, director of the Long Now Association, decided to create a semi-permanent archive of the world's languages that will disappear from 2000 to 2100, and 1000 translations and information of each language of 'Genesis '. I advocated the Rosetta Project , a contemporary Rosetta Stone to preserve the backup of human languages for future generations.
It took eight years to complete the Rosetta Disc, but the prototype of the Rosetta Disc was completed in August 2008. The Rosetta disc is a sphere with two hemispheres, the upper half of which is a magnifying glass.

The surface of the Rosetta disc is made of pure titanium and plated. On the surface of the disc is written 'Languages of the World: This is an archive of more than 1,500 human languages collected in the year 2008 AD. By magnifying it 1,000 times, you can know more than 13,000 pages of language information. You can do it' is etched on it.

The back of the Rosetta disc is made of pure nickel and contains approximately 13,500 pages of etched translations of chapters 1-3 of Genesis in 1,500 languages, as well as universal word lists, pronunciation guides, charts, and more. A 750x optical microscope is required to read the text on the back, which is 0.5mm wide on each page. The image below is the data written on the back of the Rosetta disc.

The Rosetta Project was initially led by linguist Jim Mason . After that, the Long Now Association, supported by experts from all over the world, has succeeded in compiling information in about 2,300 languages.
First created in 2004, the Rosetta Disk was installed on the European Space Agency 's Rosetta probe. Rosetta successfully landed on Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014.
The Long Now Society estimates that the worldwide distribution of the Rosetta discs will allow us to convey modern language information for over 2000 years. At the time of writing the article, the Long Now Association sells Rosetta Wearable Disk as a new product of Rosetta Disk.
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