Analysis of 'Why is LinkedIn so disgusting?'

LinkedIn is the world's largest business-specific SNS with over 700 million registered users. Blogger Trung Phan, who actually uses LinkedIn, explains 'Why is LinkedIn so disgusting?'
Why is LinkedIn so cringe? --SatPost by Trung Phan
According to Phan, what makes LinkedIn so disgusting is the 'news feed.' Phan isn't the only person with similar impressions, but if you search for 'LinkedIn Cringe' on Twitter, you'll get a lot of similar opinions.

As a typical example, Mr. Phan cites a picture of a 'one-turning tree' that has collected more than 430,000 likes on Twitter.
This palm tree fell over, refused to die, and curved right back up. — Bucky with the Good Arm (@benjancewicz) January 7, 2022
As people were worried, this photo was imported into LinkedIn as 'Pakutsui' and even the exact comments on the original tweet were copied.
According to Phan, the problem of being disgusted by LinkedIn is created by three factors.
◆ 1: Personality (personal image required when using LinkedIn)
Phan points out that LinkedIn's corporate motto is 'Connecting people around the world to increase the productivity of individuals and organizations for even greater success.' Everyone uses their own persona depending on the situation, but because LinkedIn is 'business-focused,' it's easy to exaggerate your profile a bit like a resume.
Due to this exaggeration, the user's true intentions are obscured, and activities such as 'Mr. XX has been working for △△ company for a year! Let's celebrate!' Are occurring. Phan claims.
◆ 2: Customers (people paying for LinkedIn)
LinkedIn's annual revenue is
Phan argues that the following issues arise because LinkedIn targets recruiters and employers:
・ Humble bragging is encouraged
Users will be touting any small success to catch the eye of recruiters and employers. In that case, so as not to think that you are conceited, you will assemble and post a story called 'Hero's Journey ' in the form of 'It did not go well at first, but overcame the struggle at the end of the difficulty' To do.
・ Esse influencer
Employers will be able to motivate their workers so that only the jarring, which has nothing to do with their work, will be good.
As a typical example of a post that can only be seen on LinkedIn, Phan cites 'students applying for an internship as'I felt a connection with your company because my favorite color is used in the logo'' increase.

◆ 3: Algorithm (existence that creates LinkedIn engagement)
As LinkedIn data scientist Bonnie Barrilleaux said in a 2018
The posting style that abuses this algorithm is 'Broetry'. Broetry is a coined word that combines 'bro' and 'poetry' to refer to 'algorithm-favorite posts' that were especially popular on LinkedIn. Examples are as follows: 'Each line ends with only one sentence. Do not make it more than two sentences.' 'Insert a blank line for each line.' 'Repeat the same wording as much as possible.'

In the above example, the first line is 'I read one book a week' and the fourth line is 'I work on one book a week'. Because it is too monotonous for humans, it is sometimes described as 'third grade elementary school level writing'. However, this Broetry seems to have a high click rate of 'read more', and it is said that LinkedIn's algorithm that emphasizes the click rate of 'read more' continued to pollute the news feed until corrections were made.
Even after that, LinkedIn's algorithm emphasizes the number of likes, shares, comments, etc., the length of time it took to read, etc., so it is strangely long lie 800 even though it is empty. The emotional language of ...
Phan claims that he is flooded with questions that just earn empty clicks.

◆ Conclusion
'In fact, each element of LinkedIn helps to make social dynamics sounder,' explains Phan.
-Personality: LinkedIn is basically used under your real name, so users behave politely.
· Customers: LinkedIn doesn't have ads as their primary source of revenue, so they don't need to display content that attracts attention and earns clicks.
Algorithm: As Broetry was finally modified, LinkedIn is working on viral content for healthier engagement.
On the other hand, Phan said, 'Facebook has false reports, Twitter has vandalism, Instagram has fake, and other SNSs have their own problems, and compared to them, LinkedIn's problem of being'disgusting'is the most pressing problem. 'I can't say that,' he said, but 'still I'm not going to spend time on LinkedIn.'
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