What was the reason Firefox suddenly stopped displaying pages?

It turned out that the cause of the problem that Firefox of the web browser could not connect to the Internet from around 17:00 on January 13, 2022 was reported to be caused by Firefox's HTTP / 3 support. Mozilla has already stated that the problem has been resolved.

1749908 --Infinite loop in HTTP3 hangs socket thread

Problems that prevent Firefox from connecting to the Internet have been reported not only in Japan but all over the world. At 21:00 on January 13th, the recovery was announced on Twitter's Firefox support window account.

There is a problem that Firefox can not connect to the net-GIGAZINE

The cause of the bug is discussed in the Mozilla bug tracking forum Bugzilla, and Mozilla staff speculate that 'Is there a problem with either the cloud provider or the Mozilla server's HTTP / 3 load balancer?' doing.

In fact, Bugzilla has pointed out that there is a bug in Firefox's HTTP / 3 support , and as of March 24, 2021, 'The development version of Firefox Nightly, an HTTPS site hosted via Cloudflare. There is a problem with reading. ' It was also reported that disabling HTTP / 3 support from about: config would fix the problem.

Also , on October 5, 2021 , 'Access an HTTP / 3 compatible site with Firefox, browse another site , enable a full tunnel VPN like Cloudflare's Warp , and then HTTP / 3 support again. When I visit the site, sending a GET request to the website loops for at least 5 minutes. '

Then, before dawn on January 14, 2022, Mozilla said, 'Firefox's HTTP / 3 support bug occurred triggered by a setting change of the cloud provider, and Firefox became unresponsive. This setting change occurred. I disabled it and found that the problem was fixed. '

It also encourages you to restart your browser if Firefox is still unresponsive.

in Software, Posted by log1i_yk