A man kidnapped at the age of four publishes a 'map of his hometown village' on the Chinese version of TikTok and reunites with his family for the first time in 33 years.

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It has been pointed out that in China, the abduction of children for the purpose of trafficking is constant, and

about 200,000 children are abducted annually. Meanwhile, a man who was kidnapped when he was four years old published a 'map of his hometown village' on the Chinese version of TikTok's Douyin, and it is reported that he was able to meet his family again for the first time in 33 years. ..

Hands-on map 寻 亲 Men's Yosei mother 认: Wakawaga Ichizoku, a certain amount of work required

Man kidnapped as a child in China reunited with family after drawing map of home village from memory | World News | Sky News

Abducted son finds family by drawing map of village he last saw aged four | China | The Guardian

In response to the social problem of abducting children, the Ministry of Public Security of China is conducting a 'reunion operation' to find the whereabouts of the missing child and reunite with the family, and many abducted people are in the family. I played a reunion with. In some cases, he reunited after more than 10 years have passed since the kidnapping, and in some cases he reunited with his son for the first time in 58 years.

Lee Jing-Wei, who was kidnapped and sold to his parents in 1989, decided to find his own parent after hearing some stories about reuniting with these creators for the first time in decades. Among them, the news that Mr. Guo Godo, who ran around 500,000 km on a motorcycle in search of his missing son, reunited with his son for the first time in 24 years , seems to have strengthened Mr. Lee's decision. Lee said, 'I thought I should try to find a real parent. I wanted to meet while my parents were still alive.' 'My parents should be old, so I can't wait any longer. I noticed that. '

The method that Lee decided to find a real parent was to 'draw a map of his hometown based on his childhood memories and publish it on TikTok to gather the knowledge of net users.' was. Lee, who was kidnapped at the age of four, did not remember the name and address of the village, but even after being kidnapped and taken over by a new family, draw a map of the village where he was born so as not to forget his hometown. He said he was doing it.

This is the map of the village actually drawn by Mr. Lee. The positional relationship between the village and the mountains, bamboo grove, rice terraces, roads, schools, places where cattle were kept, etc. are described. 'I made a habit of drawing maps at least once a day. I remember trees, stones, cows, which roads are curved, and where the water is flowing,' Lee said. increase.

When I posted the movie in mid-December 2021, it turned out that there

was a village in Yunnan Province that closely resembled the map on December 24th. It was also confirmed that there was a family in the village where the child disappeared about 30 years ago, and when the DNA of the mother who lost her son and Mr. Lee were compared, it was found that the two were parents and children.

In addition, Mr. Lee grew up in Kaifeng City , Henan Province , and was more than 1700 km away from the village where he was born. However, his mother left a village in Yunnan a few years ago, and when the parent-child relationship with Lee was discovered, he lived in Zhoukou, just 100 km away from Kaifeng.

Lee said when she met her mother on a video call, 'My mother cried as soon as I answered the phone. When I started the video call, I recognized her as my mother at a glance. Because I have the same impression of my lips and teeth. '

Then, on January 1, 2022, the two succeeded in meeting directly in Kaifeng City, and when Lee took off his mother's mask and checked his face, he burst into tears and hugged his mother. Before resuming, Lee wrote in his profile, 'I've been waiting for 33 years, spent countless nights hoping for a reunion, and finally the handwritten map that relied on my memory is the best 13 days after its release. It brought a moment. Thank you to everyone who helped me reunite with my family. '

Lee's mother not only lost her husband in the past few years, but also suffered from the unfortunate death of her eldest son's family and grandchildren. I met my kidnapped son, 'he said in an interview. In the future, he plans to visit his family's grave with Lee, who reunited for the first time in 33 years.

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik