'Peyoung Petamax Tanuki Soba-style' tasting review with a total calorie of 2919 kcal and noodles coming out later

From December 10, 2021, 'Peyoung Petamax Tanuki Soba-style ' using 'Soba-style noodles' that does not use buckwheat flour has appeared in the 'Peyoung' series of yakisoba. I found a place that has an overwhelming presence at a convenience store, so I actually bought it and tried to eat what it was like.

Peyoung Petamax Tanuki Soba Style | Maruka Foods Co., Ltd.


This is Peyang Petamax Tanuki Soba style. It's hard to see the size when you look at a single photo ...

You can see the overwhelming volume by arranging regular

Peyang sauce and yakisoba.

Seen from directly above, it looks like this.

It looks like this when you remove the outer paper package.

Seen from the side.

It's about this size when you hold it.

There was a voice saying 'It's like a bowl ...' about the container, so when I compared it with the bowl of the editorial department, the bowl was a little smaller in size.

Looking at the names of the raw materials, they are roughly divided into fried noodles, attached seasonings, and kayaku. Since it is 'tanuki soba style', buckwheat flour is not used, and wheat flour, vegetable oil, lard, soy sauce, etc. are used for noodles. The attached seasonings include powdered soy sauce, dried bonito extract, dried green onions, spices, and onion powder.

Calories are 2919kcal per 598g of meal, carbohydrates are 310g, and salt equivalent is 43.2g, so it is dangerous to eat alone at a time.

First, boil the water. Peyoung Petamax Tanuki Soba The amount of hot water required for the wind is 2800 ml, so boil it in a pot.

When I opened the lid of the cup while boiling the water, a large number of sachets containing tempura and sardines appeared.

The noodles are buckwheat-like gray, and a total of 5 chunks are lined up in the cup.

When I put the regular version of Payang next to it, it looks like this.

The difference in the size of the pouch is also overwhelming.

There are 5 tempura in total.

The simple style is to put powdered soup, kayaku, and tempura in a cup and pour hot water.

I decided to put only four tempuras and one afterwards.

Pour 2800 ml of boiling water into the cup ...

Wait 3 minutes.

Since the cup size is large, the gap between the lids is also large, so tape it off.

After 3 minutes, I stir the soup, but I used greens because the length is not enough with normal chopsticks.

This is the end ... but it's not enough for one person to eat, so when I put it in a bowl, the noodles came out later even if I put them away. Especially, it takes a lot of time and I get impatient with 'the noodles grow ...'.

I managed to finish it. It fits in a total of 9 bowls, 2 bowls, 4 medium-sized bowls for udon, and 3 bowls for miso soup.

Kamaboko, green onions and simple. The first-in tempura is in a fairly soft state by the time the sorting is completed.

When I tried it with multiple people, I got the impression that the soy sauce had a strong and strong taste, but this may be because all the people who ate it were from Kansai. Strictly speaking, noodles are not buckwheat because they do not use buckwheat flour, but when combined with the taste of dashi, the taste is quite close to buckwheat, and some people who ate it have no buckwheat flour. Some people didn't notice. However, people who eat Peyang on a regular basis have declared that 'the texture is good, the feeling of oil is good, and this is completely Payang', so it seems that the identity as Payang still remains.

The tempura that sucked the dashi stock also has a very strong taste.

The crispy feeling of the tempura will be lost while it is being set aside, so it seemed that the tempura could be added later.

Peyang Petamax Tanuki Soba-style has a strong taste that seems to be good after eating or drinking alcohol, and it is a topical item that is perfect for eating while having fun with multiple people. It takes time to boil water, but basically it doesn't take much time to cook, so it seems to be suitable as Toshikoshi soba when multiple people gather.

In addition, Peyang Petamax Tanuki Soba style is 980 yen excluding tax. A set of 4 can be purchased on Amazon for 3818 yen.

Amazon | Peyoung Petamax Tanuki Soba Style 598g x 4 | Peyoung | Soba Mail Order

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log