A fierce man who created a 1Hz CPU with Minecraft has appeared, and it is also possible to graph Tetris and functions

Cumulative sales number has exceeded the 200 million Ri,the total views on YouTube more than 1 trillion enjoy retriever, miniature garden game 'Minecraft' to the world the popular survival life, freely block The selling point is that you can arrange and enjoy the architecture. YouTuber's sammyuri announced that he designed a CPU 'CHUNGUS 2' with a frequency of 1Hz by making full use of an item called 'Red Stone' in such Minecraft.

CHUNGUS 2 --A very powerful 1Hz Minecraft CPU --YouTube

CHUNGUS 2 is an abbreviation of 'C omputational H umongous U nconventional N umber and G raphics U nit by S ammyuri 2 '.

CHUNGUS 2 is 10 in the clock 1 Hz

Tick in 16bitCPU of, 3-operand instructions have been adopted RISC architecture.

You can see countless blocks piled up and a red redstone circuit running on top of them.


Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

Flag register and branch logic circuit

Computation unit

Input / output

256Byte RAM

64Byte data cache

Cache controller

Stack pointer


instruction cache

Program counter

Call stack

Control device


access to 4 kibibytes of external memory. This is about the same as the home video game console 'Atari 2600 ' that was active in the 70's and 80's.

The program is coded in

assembly language.

Actually moving Tetris in CHUNGUS 2 and playing.

I'm using a huge controller for input.


snake games ...

Games that were actually popular on the Atari 2600, such as

Breakout, were demonstrated.

In addition, graph mathematical functions ...

The life game of artificial life simulation also works.

Although it is difficult to understand due to the problem of resolution, I also succeeded in drawing

the Mandelbrot set.

in Hardware,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1i_yk