Experts answer frequently asked questions about colds, such as 'Do you catch a cold when you cool your body?' 'Does herbs and vitamins C and D work?'

The cold epidemic is becoming more of a concern as it gets colder. So, Duane Mellow, a registered dietitian at Aston University School of Medicine in the United Kingdom, and James Brown, an associate professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, explain 'Frequently Asked Questions about Colds and their Answers' in six parts. Did.
Six popular beliefs about colds: experts explain the facts
◆ 1: Is it easier to catch a cold when it is cold?
Colds are prevalent in the cold season, so it is sometimes said that the cold is the cause of the cold. According to Mellow et al., It is true that changes in temperature damage the mucous membranes of the throat and trachea, making it easier to catch the virus that causes a cold, so it is not a mistake to say that 'it catches a cold when it is cold'. That. However, it seems that the most appropriate relationship between cold and cold is that 'the longer you spend indoors and the closer you are to each other, the better the environment for the spread of virus infection.' ..
◆ 2: Is it true that stuffing garlic in your nose is effective?
TikTok has a lot of videos of garlic stuffing your nose in the hope that it will help prevent colds and runny nose.
@ hwannah5 Since tik tok took it down the first time. THIS IS NOT DANGEROUS. The garlic cleans out your sinuses #safe #snot #fyp #comedy #garlic ♬ original sound --hwannah5
@siuwupeepoo WARNING: KINDA GROSS LMAO ???? #fypshi #garlicinnose #lgbtq #TakisTransformation ♬ original sound --sienna
However, this was useful for preventing colds and stuffy nose because it was taken out after stuffing something in the nose, and the runny nose that had been obstructed was just dripping from the nose or coming out of the mouth. There is no such thing. In addition, the runny nose has the function of removing pathogens such as viruses, and it also contains antibodies against the pathogens, so it is not good to stop the runny nose.
'Garlic contains compounds that irritate the nose, and it can damage the mucous membranes of the nose or clog the nose, so I'm not impressed with anything that sticks into the nose. It's useless. Not only that, it can be harmful, 'he said, warning that garlic and other things are not good for sticking into your nose.
◆ 3: Is it possible to prevent colds with herbs?
Many herbs and herbal medicines are said to be effective in preventing colds. One of the most famous is Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea), which is a crude drug native to North America, and clinical trial results suggesting some preventive effect have been reported, but statistically significant evidence has been obtained. I can't say that. Turmeric is also attracting attention as a preventive measure against colds, but it seems that this is not definitely effective either.
◆ 4: What about chicken soup?
Chicken soup, which is a standard dish at home overseas, has been used for the treatment of colds for many years. Sure, chicken soup is said to be as effective as other hot drinks in hydration and sinus pain, but the experiment did not show any effect on immune cells, so a cold. It seems that no special effect can be expected against viral infections.
◆ 5: Is Vitamin C useful for the prevention and treatment of colds?
Linus Pauling , a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, has made a name for himself as an effective nutrient for the common cold by advocating the theory that 'ingestion of large amounts of vitamin C cures viral infections.' I did. However, the Cochrane Review , a very rigorous study of evidence by researchers, found that vitamin C did not prevent the common cold.
Vitamin C has not been demonstrated to prevent colds, but it has been confirmed that it 'may shorten the duration of a cold' instead. Therefore, Mr. Mellow et al. Said, ' There is an opinion that' a supplement of about 200 mg of vitamin C a day is appropriate as a method to cure a cold early ',' he said, saying that it seems that some effect can be expected. I did.
◆ 6: What is the effect of vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a nutrient that is attracting attention as a countermeasure against influenza and the new coronavirus.
More than 200 scientists and doctors request to increase vitamin D intake to prevent new coronavirus --GIGAZINE

According to Mellow et al., Vitamin D has been confirmed in experiments to play an important role in boosting immunity, and it is a very important nutrient in combating viral colds. Vitamin D Although you can synthesized by exposure to sunlight, because it tends to be insufficient in the winter also reduced exposure of the skin becomes shorter daylight hours, Mello and his colleagues during the 'winter supplements of vitamin D to ingest the It's wise and may help prevent colds, 'he said, recommending proper intake of vitamin D.
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in Science, Posted by log1l_ks