An embedded microchip is under development to freely control sleep by investing 3.6 billion yen

Ensuring an appropriate sleep rhythm is an important issue for those who work irregularly during the day and at night, and for those who travel to areas with different time zones. A research team at

Northwestern University devised a technique to implant a 'microchip that produces peptides that regulate sleep rhythms' into the body, and from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) up to $ 33 million (about 36) in four and a half years. We have started full-scale research with the funds of 100 million yen).

Implantable'living pharmacy' could control body's sleep / wake cycles --Northwestern Now

This Implant Could One Day Control Your Sleep and Wake Cycles | Innovation | Smithsonian Magazine

Living Pharmacies Could Remedy Disrupted Sleep --NEO.LIFE

Although it is possible to regulate sleep rhythms with sleeping pills, there are problems that taking sleeping pills causes side effects such as headaches and fatigue, and that it is difficult for soldiers during military operations to carry sleeping pills. The technology devised this time solves the problem of portability by using a method of implanting a microchip in the body that can purify peptides that affect the regulation of sleep rhythm.

The peptide-producing part of

the microchip is designed based on optogenetics, and the amount of peptide produced can be adjusted by turning on / off the LED light mounted on the microchip. The microchip does not work on its own, but a mechanism is adopted in which a band equipped with a battery and communication function is wrapped around a part such as the arm in which the microchip is embedded, and the band is connected to a smartphone to adjust the sleep rhythm. On the smartphone side, you can specify your favorite sleep rhythm by specifying the time zone of the destination.

In the academic field of optogenetics used in this microchip, methods for controlling the cells of many types of animals have already been established. 'Optogenetics can theoretically control all substances produced by cells,' said Jonathan Ribeney, a member of the research team. It shows the possibility that it can be applied to applications other than the regulation of sleep rhythm.

Also, according to Josiah Hester, a member of the research team, the microchip under development stores data locally and is strict on smartphones so that others cannot hack and manipulate sleep rhythms. It is said that measures such as requesting certification are being taken. In addition, Hester pointed out that sleep data is sensitive, saying, 'If Apple or Microsoft wants to integrate a device under development into a product, social discussion about data storage is needed. It will be. '

in Hardware,   Science, Posted by log1o_hf