Telegram's live stream viewer limit is unlimited, message forwarding customization function and channel movement improvement

Telegram reaches version 8.0 with live streams for unlimited audiences, flexible forwarding, a quick way to jump to the next unread channel, trending stickers and more. Https://
— Telegram Messenger (@telegram) August 31, 2021
Live Streams, Flexible Forwarding, Jump to Next Channel, Trending Stickers and More
Telegram uncaps live stream viewers as part of big version 8.0 update --The Verge
Telegram ensures privacy by encrypting messages sent and received, and also has a function to delete private chat messages and files after a certain period of time, so it is often used by criminals who do not want to leave evidence of communication. But it is also known. On the other hand, as the overseas media The Verge points out that 'Telegram is becoming a full-fledged full-fledged message application', recent updates have enhanced social media functions. matter.
Telegram announced the latest update, version 8.0, on August 31, 2021 and reports that it has made the following improvements and additions:
◆ Elimination of the maximum number of viewers for live distribution
Up until now, the maximum number of viewers for live streaming and video chatting within a group on the Telegram community 'Channel' was 1000 , but in version 8.0 this limit has been reached. It will be abolished and will be unlimited. In addition, in the live distribution of Telegram, it is also possible for users authorized by the administrator to participate by voice.
◆ Message forwarding options
Version 8.0 adds an option to forward sent messages and images to another user. If you want to forward messages sent by other users ...

It is possible to uncaption the message or hide the sender's name before forwarding.

◆ Move channel
If you have registered multiple channels, when you read the latest post of one channel to the end, another channel with unread posts will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
This allows you to move to another channel smoothly as it is. You can check the posts on the channel without returning to the chat list screen each time, which saves time and efficiency.

◆ Improvement of stickers
In Telegram, you can use images called 'stickers' like LINE stamps. A new panel called 'Trending Stickers' is displayed at the top of the sticker panel, allowing you to check out popular stickers.

In addition, the thumbnail of the sticker has become larger in the Android version application ...

Similar to 'Entering' and 'Recording a voice message', 'choosing a sticker' is now displayed when looking for a sticker. This tells you that the person is looking for the right sticker, even if you don't get a reply for a while.

◆ Notification of unread comments on the channel
Many channels allow members to comment on admin posts. With a new update, when you open the comment section of a channel, you will be notified of the number of unread comments.

In addition, it seems that a new 'moving emoji' was added along with the update.
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in Mobile, Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik