Google plans to discontinue sales of 'Pixel 5' and 'Pixel 4a (5g)', already sold out at the official Japanese store

Google is on August 3, 2021
Google has already discontinued the Pixel 5 --The Verge
Google told the technology media The Verge , 'The Google Store in the United States expects the Pixel 4a (5g) and Pixel 5 to sell out in the weeks following the launch of the Pixel 5a (5G). These products will continue to be available through some partners for as long as they are in stock, 'he said, indicating that the Pixel 5 and Pixel 4a (5g) will be discontinued as soon as they are out of stock. ..
The above statement is about the Google Store in the United States, but when I check the sales page of 'Pixel 5' in the Google Store in Japan, it says 'out of stock' and I can not purchase it.

The Verge is the successor model 'Pixel 6' and 'Pixel 6 Pro' The reason why the sale of 'Pixel 5' was discontinued even before the release, 'Pixel 5' is developed as a high-end terminal 'Pixel 6' And 'Pixel 6 Pro', it is pointed out that the cause is closer to the a series that emphasizes cost performance.
I tried to confirm how different the performance of Google genuine smartphone 'Pixel 5a' is from 'Pixel 5' by benchmark test --GIGAZINE

In addition, GIGAZINE is also conducting an appearance comparison review of 'Pixel 5' and 'Pixel 5a (5G)', and you can check the contents from the link below. The 'Pixel 5a (5G)' will be available on August 26, 2021.

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