Alibaba fires male manager on suspicion of sexually assaulting subordinates, CEO says 'change is needed'

On August 9, 2021,
Alibaba blasted by state media despite firing manager accused of sex assault | Reuters

Alibaba fires manager accused of sexual assault; CEO calls for change
In August 2021, a female Alibaba employee posted a sentence on SNS Weibo stating that she had been sexually assaulted by her boss and customers. The woman said, 'I was forced to drink alcohol by my boss at a business party in late July 2021 and woke up naked in a hotel bed the next morning. I vaguely remember being kissed or touched by my boss the night before. I insisted.
According to a memo sent internally by CEO Chang after this post was made, the male manager admitted 'intimate behavior' with a drunken female employee. Alibaba added that the man was 'never rehired' and dismissed him as a disciplinary measure.
In addition, CEO Chang said that when the woman reported the case, the person in charge did not make a timely decision and did not take appropriate action, and he said that he was also concerned that he did not take appropriate action. It was also reported that he was penalized for not paying sufficient attention and consideration to it. ' Alibaba's business unit and personnel managers have resigned in this regard.
An Alibaba spokeswoman said, 'Alibaba Group has adopted a'zero tolerance method'for sexual misconduct, and ensuring a safe workplace for all employees is Alibaba's top priority.' Issued a statement. CEO Chang said the incident was 'shameful,' 'the company needs rebuilding and change,' and 'we will provide company-wide training on protecting employee rights, including sexual harassment prevention.'

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