Details of the next generation model of PlayStation VR revealed

Sony has announced the development of a next-generation model of 'PlayStation VR (PS VR) ' that allows you to enjoy VR on PlayStation, but it is reported that the technical details have been revealed.

Report: PS5 VR Headset Will Have HDR OLED Display, AAA Games

Sony's next-gen PSVR was reportedly detailed at a developer summit --The Verge

PlayStation's Next-Gen VR Details Reportedly Leaked At Sony's Developer Summit --GameSpot

Sony held a private conference for developers explaining the next generation PS VR on August 3, 2021, and announced new information on terminal specifications etc. in it, PS VR Without Parole of YouTube channel reports increase. Details about the next-generation PS VR obtained by PSVR Without Parole are summarized in the following movie.


According to media reports, the resolution of the next-generation model PS VR is 2000 x 2040 pixels per eye, and 4000 x 2040 pixels when both eyes are combined. In addition, by supporting the line-of-sight tracking function, it seems that it also supports ' fovea rendering' that clearly renders only the middle part of the field of view.

In addition, the development code name of the next-generation PS VR is 'NG VR (Next Generation VR)', and the HDR OLED (organic EL) display is adopted for the display, supporting a viewing angle of 110 degrees, which is 10 degrees wider than the original PS VR. .. In addition to fove rendering as a rendering method, it also supports a technology called 'Flexible Scaling Resolution', which makes it possible to improve the performance of conventional PS VR compatible titles. It seems that it is.

The controller has capacitive touch sensors for the thumb, index and middle fingers, which are not only whether the player is touching the controller, but if not, how far the finger is from the controller. It is said that it is possible to recognize.

In November 2020, Sony applied for a patent that seems to be a controller for the next-generation PS VR.

Sony filed patent for new controller for VR-GIGAZINE

In addition, Sony seems to be trying to secure AAA titles for next-generation PS VR. Therefore, Sony will introduce titles compatible with both PS5 and next-generation PS VR, such as titles compatible with both PS4 and PS VR such as 'HITMAN 3 ', ' Biohazard 7 Resident Evil ' and ' No Man's Sky'. Seems to want. In addition, in the case of titles compatible with both PS5 and next-generation PS VR, it will be possible to choose which version to play at the time of download.

However, it has not been confirmed whether the next-generation PS VR will support the existing titles for the original PS VR. However, VR-related media Upload VR states that 'many developers can expect to remaster old titles for PS5 and the new PS VR.'

The next-generation PS VR is not scheduled to be released in 2021, and PS VR Without Parole is 'scheduled to be announced in early 2022.'

in Hardware,   Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii