As a result of research that 'people with few teeth have a 1.5 times higher risk of cognitive decline', the use of dentures and daily care are the keys to prevent dementia.

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A new study of nearly 40,000 people found that 'the more teeth you lose, the higher your risk of dementia and cognitive decline.' From this result, experts reiterate the importance of treatments such as dentures and dentures and tooth care.

Dose-Response Meta-Analysis on Tooth Loss With the Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia --Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (21) 00473-4 / fulltext

Tooth Loss Associated With Increased Cognitive Impairment and Dementia --Neuroscience News

Flossing your teeth may protect against cognitive decline, research shows --CNN

Studies to date have gradually highlighted the relationship between oral health and dementia, such as the fact that periodontal disease bacteria are listed as potential causes of Alzheimer's disease. Based on these previous studies, researchers said, 'If you have fewer teeth due to periodontal disease or tooth decay, it may be difficult to chew food, which may lead to nutritional deficiencies and adverse effects on brain function.' I am advocating the theory.

To test the theory of tooth number and cognitive function, a research team led by Professor Bei Wu of New York University's Laurie Myers School of Nursing analyzed 14 papers examining the relationship between tooth loss and cognitive dysfunction. We conducted a

meta-analysis study.

The research team analyzed data from a total of 38,763 people, including 34,074 adults and 4,689 patients diagnosed with cognitive decline. Even if factors other than teeth are excluded, the risk of developing cognitive dysfunction is 1.48 times higher and the risk of being diagnosed with dementia is 1.28 times higher. '

In addition, when the relationship between the number of tooth loss and the risk of dementia was calculated using the results of eight studies, 'the risk of cognitive dysfunction is 1.4% and the risk of dementia is 1.1% for each tooth lost. It also turned out to be 'increasing.' On the other hand, even those who lost their teeth did not find a significant relationship with cognitive impairment when using dentures or dentures.

Professor Wu said of the findings, 'We need to be aware of the importance of oral hygiene, and we need to think more about preventive treatments such as tooth decay and dentures.'

Following the results of this study, oral hygiene experts have pointed out the link between oral health and brain health. James Wilson, president of the American Periodontal Society, who is not involved in the research of Professor Wu and others, told CNN that 'inflammation due to periodontal disease is cardiovascular disease, pancreatic cancer, diabetes, It is known to be associated with risks other than dementia, such as rheumatoid arthritis, so it is important to prevent periodontal disease by brushing your teeth daily, dental floss, and regular dental visits. ' Did.

Wilson added that dentures reduced the risk of cognitive impairment: 'Being able to eat a normal diet is very important to your physical health, and dentures help you create a natural smile. The positive self-image that dentures bring to patients will also be effective for mental health. '

in Science, Posted by log1l_ks