Why are athletes who care more about health than the average person have more teeth?



According to a study that examined the eating and drinking habits and frequency of oral care of professional athletes, the fact that the athlete was caring about the health of the tooth even more and the cause was revealed A paper was published.

Oral health-related behaviors reported by elite and professional athletes | British Dental Journal

Oral health and performance impacts in elite and professional athletes-Gallagher-2018-Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology-Wiley Online Library

Elite athletes have poor oral health despite brushing twice daily-ScienceDaily

Athletes have poor teeth despite brushing twice a day, study finds | Society | The Guardian

According to past research, it has been found that ' Olympic athletes' dental health is less than ordinary people ', but the reasons for this are 'dryness in the mouth and the fact that they are unable to attend a dental clinic for training. It was only inferred that it might be related.

Olympic athletes' dental health is less than ordinary people-gigazine

Therefore, Julie Gallagher's research team working at the Eastman Dental Institute at the University of London targets 352 professional athletes and Olympic athletes who are active in 11 sports such as athletics, rugby, football, and swimming. In addition, we conducted a questionnaire about dental care habits and dietary habits.

As a result, it was found that 94% of athletes brush their teeth more than once a day, and 44% regularly clean their teeth with dental floss . On the other hand, 75% of non-athlete people brush their teeth more than twice a day, and only 21% regularly use dental floss.

Gallagher said, “I found that most athletes brush their teeth more than once a day, go to the dental clinic regularly, do not smoke, and have a healthy diet,” He indicated that the majority of athletes have good oral care habits.

However, when Gallagher and colleagues actually examined the health of athletes' teeth, it turned out that 49.1% of athletes had untreated decayed teeth and the majority suffered from early gingivitis. In a survey on sports performance, 32% of athletes answered that “problems related to dental health have an impact on sports performance”.

Gallagher sees that even though athletes are actively engaged in oral care, the poor health of their teeth is due to drinks that they eat and drink during the competition. That's because the survey showed that 87% of athletes habitually drink sports drinks, 59% eat snack bars, and 70% drink jelly drinks.

by Jana Wersch

“Not only are the sugars in these foods increase the risk of tooth decay, but many are acidic foods, which can cause dental caries that are dissolved in acid,” Gallagher says.

The team will follow up with follow-up studies on how athletes' dental health improves with actions such as using fluoride mouthwashes , more frequent dental exams, and reducing sports drink intake. That's right.

in Science,   Food, Posted by log1l_ks