It is reported that Google is developing an iOS application 'Switch to Android' for migrating data from iPhone to Android

Google officially recommends
Google's'Switch to Android' app for iOS will copy data, apps --9to5Google

According to 9to5Google, when
Also, the explanation about the function of 'Data Recovery Tool ' is 'Enter iTunes backup password to transfer more content such as SMS messages and contacts ', but ' Apps, SMS messages, contacts' To transfer the data, enter the iTunes backup password. ' From this, 9to5Google reports that it may be possible to transfer application data from iPhone to Android device. However, how these work is unknown at the time of writing the article.

Switch to Android does not exist in the App Store at the time of writing the article. 9to5Google the 'Apple data migration app' for Android transition to iOS Given that continues to provide 'more than 5 years, Google is this that is a surprise that did not provide to the same means,' he said ..
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