I compared the strong carbonated water 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling', which allows you to enjoy a refreshing stimulus to the back of your throat, with 'Suntory Natural Water Sparkling'.

Suntory's sugar-free carbonated water ' THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling ' will be available from June 29, 2021. It is said that it is finished as 'the strongest stimulation with Suntory carbonated water', so I tried to see how much stimulation I can actually drink and enjoy.

THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling | Suntory Natural Water


The bottle of 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' looks like this.

The label says 'strong carbonated water' in red and white coloring, which emphasizes the strength of carbonated water.

The product name is 'Carbonated Natural Mineral Water', and the raw materials are only Natural Mineral Water and Carbonated. The content is 510ml and the calories are 0kcal.

When you open 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling', you will hear a loud popping sound like when a tire punctures. In the following movie, you can see the opening sound of 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' and how it is poured into the cup.

The opening sound and carbonic acid strength of 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' looks like this-YouTube

When you actually drink 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling', you can enjoy a strong stimulus that will make you wake up from the moment you put it in your mouth. Even if I swallow it, the stimulus continues to swell to the back of my throat, so I felt that it was a strong carbonated water that was perfect for refreshing or awakening drowsiness.

In order to check the strength of the stimulus, prepare 'Suntory Natural Water Sparkling ' containing only natural mineral water and carbonic acid as well as 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' and compare them.

Checking the raw materials, the materials and hardness are the same, but 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' contains 0.7 mg of sodium, and 'Suntory Natural Water Sparkling' contains 0.4 to 1.0 mg of sodium, so there are subtle differences. It seems. In addition, 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' has a content of 510 ml, so it is more profitable than 'Suntory Natural Water Sparkling' with a content of 500 ml.

In addition, although both labels say 'strong carbonated water', 'THE STRONG natural water sparkling' (left) emphasizes that even the cap is 'strong carbonated water'. When you actually drink it, the stimulation at the moment you put it in your mouth is the same, but in 'Suntory Natural Water Sparkling', the stimulation of carbonic acid disappears at the entrance of the throat, so compared to 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' The feeling of exhilaration was weakened.

When I actually drank 'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling', it was carbonated water that you can enjoy the simple taste of only natural mineral water and carbonated water and the stimulation that lasts deep into your throat. Also, the more you cool it, the stronger the stimulation of carbonic acid will be felt, so it is recommended to add ice and cool it in a kinkin.

'THE STRONG Natural Water Sparkling' is 100 yen excluding tax for 510 ml and 160 yen excluding tax for 1050 ml, and is scheduled to appear nationwide from June 29, 2021.

in Tasting, Posted by log1o_hf