I tried drinking Gingeraele 'Canada dry peach ginger ale' using seasonal pepper juice

Among the ginger ale in Japan No. 1 that has been drink Canada dry in the series, summer appeared to using the juice of the season of peach "Canada Dry Peach Ginger Ale" is July 30, 2018 (Monday) It is. Was it interesting to see whether ginger is fragrant or gum scented because ginger jelly with fruit juice got interested and tried drinking.

Japan Coca-Cola | Product Information | Canada Dry: The Coca-Cola Company

'Canada dry peach ginger ale' released on Monday, July 30 nationwide: The Coca-Cola Company

"Canadian dry peach ginger ale" (140 yen tax) is said to be an elegant strong carbonated drink that there is "gorgeous scent of thigh and ginger ale refreshing taste".

On the label there is a phrase that clearly shows the illustration of the thigh and the concept of "Momo and Gingeraire", which shows that 2% fruit juice is contained.

Contents amount is 500 ml, raw materials include "Momo juice" etc. I imagined that it contained ginger derived ingredients such as "Ginger Extract" contained in normal Canadian dry ginger ale , but it was not mentioned. Since energy per 100 ml is 32 kcal, if it is per one, it is calculated as 160 kcal, which is almost the same as normal one.

When you pour into a glass, you will find a refreshing fragrance of thigh with a strong carbonated showering sound.

As the bubbles of carbonic acid can be played, the fragrance of the thigh will not stop spreading. The color looks like golden color and normal "Canada dry ginger ale".

Compared to the actual comparison, it is two. I can not tell you in the photograph, but the fragrance is peach and ginger so it is completely different thing.

When I drank it from the normal person, I am Schwaswwa with the stimulation of carbonic acid with modest sweetness. It is slightly bitter and the aftertaste is refreshing and it is Ginjayale.

Peach ginger ale is a finish that clearly understands the flavor of peach, and the aftertaste is refreshing. I feel it is moderate and sweeter than normal Jinjeir, so it may not be suitable for meals, but the balance of peach and carbonic acid is fairly refreshing so I felt it as a perfect carbonated drink for summer.

"Canada dry peach ginger ale" can be purchased at supermarkets and convenience stores all over the country.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log