Why are MacBook product information leaked from Apple partners welcomed by repairers?

In April 2021, it was discovered that a group of hackers had stolen product information from Apple's affiliates, and the leaked product information is being considered for the unreleased new MacBook Pro. Meanwhile, technology-related media Motherboard reports that 'the leaked product information is welcomed by repairers.'

How a Hacking Group Did Apple Repair Professionals an Accidental Favor

Unreleased product information is stolen by a group of hackers who use ransomware 'REvil' by Apple's affiliated companies, and the hacker group publishes product information daily to the company and Apple if they do not pay the ransom. It was revealed on April 20, 2021 that he was threatening.

It turns out that Apple is threatened by hackers 'If you do not pay the ransom, you will disperse unpublished information' --GIGAZINE

After that, from the product information actually released, it is reported that the 14-inch MacBook Pro and 16-inch MacBook Pro equipped with

Apple Silicon have MagSafe, HDMI port, SD card slot.

Did the new model information of MacBook leaked by the ransomware attack reveal the addition of HDMI port and SD card slot?-GIGAZINE

According to Motherboard, the leaked information also included documentation about the

MacBook logic board. These documents didn't reveal all of the MacBook's design, but they did describe what features each part was associated with, so for those who are doing their own Apple product repairs. Motherboard points out that it is useful information.

'Our business relies on sources like this leak,' Luis Rothman, a repairer specializing in logic board repairs, told Motherboard. We can repair the board and rescue the data. '

According to another source, data leaked due to hacking or leaks is widely shared among repair companies. According to Motherboard, repairers believe that 'Apple should not keep data related to repairs confidential, so there is no ethical problem with using data leaked by hacking.' .. Rothman also said, 'I'm not in favor of hacking to get the information. If Apple publishes the information, even if it's a $ 1000 contract a year, I'll accept it. Let's do it. '

In addition, Apple announced in 2019 the 'Independent Repair Provider Program' that provides genuine parts and repair tools to third-party repair companies, but 'If you are a person who claims the right to repair, There is a clause that expresses 'I am'. '

Report that the contract content that is struck by a third party repair company contracted with Apple is 'too one-sided' --GIGAZINE

in Hardware, Posted by log1o_hf