World record is set by new technique 'rolling' born in NES Tetris


Diego Rivers

A new technique 'Rolling ' is born in the NES (overseas version of Family Computer) version of 'Tetris ', which is a classic falling block puzzle game. Using this technique, a new world record for Tetris scores has also been set.

NES Tetris Players Call It'Rolling,' And They're Setting New World Records

New NES Tetris Technique: Faster Than Hypertapping! --YouTube

In Tetris, if you keep pressing the key to move Tetrimino horizontally, Tetrimino moves one square horizontally, waits for a certain period of time, and then moves again, which is a method called 'DAS (horizontal tame)'. I will. In the NSE version of Tetris, this fixed time is set to '16 frames', which makes it difficult to even move Tetrimino across the screen on high-level stages.

That is where the technique called 'hyper tapping' was born. Hyper tapping is to repeatedly hit the cross key at high speed, ignoring the 16-frame binding that the block takes to move. It is a must-have technique for levels 29 and above, as it allows you to move tetrimino at speeds that are impossible when tied to DAS.

However, there is also the problem that very few players were able to play Tetris at a high level and even hyper-tapping.

Hyper-tapping became widely recognized by the Tetris community only after

players using hyper-tapping won the Tetris World Championships in 2018 . From here, hyper tapping will gradually become popular among Tetris players. Therefore, hyper tapping is said to be the 'most popular technique' among Tetris top professionals at the time of writing the article. However, hypertapping can strain your finger muscles and injure your hands, says Kotaku, an overseas game media outlet.

Therefore, 'rolling' was devised in the latter half of 2020 as a technique to realize high-speed button repeated hits instead of hyper tapping.

The inventor of rolling was

CheeZ_Fish , a Tetris player, and he said that he devised a new continuous hitting method with reference to RTA players of games other than Tetris. I especially referred to the method of repeatedly hitting one button with the left and right hands.

CheeZ_Fish was the only one who noticed the method of repeatedly hitting one button with both hands, but also the person who devised the method of repeatedly hitting one button of the controller alternately with the fingers of both hands.

With reference to these, CheeZ_Fish devised a continuous striking method called 'rolling'. By fixing your finger on the cross key you want to press and hitting multiple fingers repeatedly on the back of the controller, you can hit the button repeatedly at a speed that is impossible with one finger. You can check how it rolls in the movie by clicking the image below.

CheeZ_Fish devised rolling around November 2020. Cheez_Fish uses rolling to set a

new world record for the NES version of Tetris.

in Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii