13-year-old gamer 'completes' NES Tetris, reaching the kill screen at level 157

It has long been thought that the classic puzzle game 'Tetris' cannot be 'played to the end', and that ultimately the game will be over when the tetriminos (blocks) can no longer be erased. However, 13-year-old game player

Blue Scuti has finally broken through this barrier, reaching a 'kill screen' state at level 157, where the game screen does not progress any further. It is reported that he has 'completely conquered Tetris.'

The First Time Somebody Has Ever 'Beat' Tetris - YouTube

Tetris Has Finally Been Beaten After 34 Years

Blue Scuti has released the entire gameplay on his YouTube channel, but the score, line (number of rows cleared), and level are not displayed correctly halfway through. The video on the YouTube channel Classic Tetris has supplemented that information.

Blue Scuti Beats NES Tetris - YouTube

At the beginning of the gameplay video, the high score input screen flashes, but all the scores are maxed out, and the levels are 'D5', '43', and '04'. These are definitely not the numbers you see, and you can see how much Scuti has put into the game.

Scuti's Tetris strategy starts at level 19.

6 minutes and 33 seconds after the start, while playing level 27, the score maxes out and is displayed as '999999.' According to Classic Tetris, this is 1,020,580 points.

In addition, he reached level 29, the speed limit that was once considered the 'true kill screen.' Tetriminos fall in an instant after appearing at the top of the screen, so you have to decide where and how to place them in less than a second. The first person to surpass level 29 was Thor Aackerlund in 2011.

7 minutes and 24 seconds after starting, I cleared level 29 and the level was displayed as '00'.

I thought the numbers would go from '00' to '01' again, but level 31 was written as '0A' and level 32 was written as '14'. Level 31 was first reached by Joseph Saelee in 2018. Saelee reached level 34 in 2020. Level 34 is displayed as '28'.

After that, EricICX reached level 38 in Tetris, and Cheez reached level 40 in 2021. At this level, you can't keep up with the Tetriminos by tapping the keys on the controller you're holding with your fingers, as you would in normal gameplay. For this reason, various techniques have been developed, and the 'rolling' technique invented by Cheez_Fish has been adopted by many people. EricICX also incorporated 'rolling' and reached a whopping level of 146.

A new technique 'rolling' born from the Famicom's Tetris creates a new world record - GIGAZINE


Diego Rivers

It is unclear whether Scuti is also using 'rolling' or a technique that further improves 'rolling' because his hands cannot be seen. 25 minutes and 55 seconds after the start , the line display also became 'A00' after 999. At this time, the level was 106 and the score was 3,623,600 points.

33 minutes and 42 seconds after the start , when the level went from 'B9(137)' to 'C9(138)', the color of the tetriminos changed from three to two.

From level 05 (139) onwards, black tetriminos appear. However, you will soon realise that the white borders make them easier to play.

From level 'E9 (146)' onwards, the tetriminos may become dull in colour, making them almost invisible, depending on the level.

Occasionally, you'll come across a color scheme like this that's just right.

Almost monochrome Tetris.

38 minutes and 23 seconds into the game, Scuti entered level 18 (157). The color scheme is still two colors.

A tetrimino remains slightly higher in the center.

Here, an inverted L-shaped tetrimino is placed to the left and the seventh row is successfully cleared.

Normally, in Tetris, when a row is removed, the row above falls, but for some reason the row above did not fall, and no additional tetriminos fell either.

For a moment, Scuti didn't know what was going on. When he realized that Tetris had ended without a game over, he repeatedly shouted 'Oh my god!!' He scratched his head, removed his gloves and covered his mouth, showing that he could not control his emotions. The final score was 6,855,560 points and the number of lines was 1,511.

This is the first time in the 34 years since the release of the Famicom version of Tetris that a player has reached the 'kill screen,' excluding cases caused by AI.

in Video,   Game, Posted by logc_nt