Introducing 'RUHAcam' that allows you to create a retro digital camera with a 3D printer and Raspberry Pi
A retro-style camera 'RUHAcam ' that can be made by incorporating a Raspberry Pi and a camera module into the main body made with a 3D printer has been released as an open source project on | 3D Printable Retro-style Raspberry Pi HQ Camera
GitHub --penk / 3D Printable Retro-style Raspberry Pi HQ Camera
The parts of 'RUHAcam' are ' Raspberry Pi Zero W and microSD card ' ' Raspberry Pi HQ Camera ' ' 16mm telephoto lens ' ' 2.2 inch TFT display ' ' TP4056 Micro USB charging module ' ' MT3608 DC-DC step-up boost module ' ' 2000mAh lithium ion polymer battery, power switch, shutter button, jumper wire, 3D printed body case, and leather seat for grip (optional).
The method of connecting internal parts is as follows.
And this is the finished product of 'RUHAcam'.
State in use.
The example looks like this. Since there is only a shutter, you can not make detailed settings, but it seems that there is no problem for shooting normally.
GIZMODO, an IT news site, said about RUHAcam, 'Since it does not have a function like autofocus, it is essentially equivalent to the digital version of a DIY film camera. However, the finished product is a retro cyber punk. It's like a future and it feels very good. In fact, what do you expect from a camera made of melted plastic with parts worth $ 120? Nanoha, that it is that's cool ' comment was.
According to the author, Penk Chen, the naming and concept of RUHAcam is inspired by the Becca Cam created by photographer Becca Farsace.
I have to admit the naming and the project was totally inspired by @BeccaFarsace and Becca Cam ????????
— Penk Chen (@penk) April 15, 2021
Copyright (c) 2021 Ruha Cheng & Penk Chen. All rights reserved.
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