Ultra-compact & battery-powered ESP32 wireless communication module 'Tiny PICO'

TinyPICO --ESP32 Development Board [V2]: ID 4335: $ 20.00: Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
According to Unexpected Maker, who developed TinyPICO, there are many wireless communication modules that use ESP32, but they have problems such as 'not compatible with low power operation', 'large size', and 'small memory installed'. It is said that there is. TinyPICO is a wireless communication module developed to solve these problems.

At the time of writing the article, the second generation of TinyPICO is on sale.

The detailed specifications of the 2nd generation Tiny PICO are as follows.
Processor | 32bit dual core 240MHz |
memory | 4MB SPI flash and 4MB pseudo SRAM |
Wifi | 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11b / g / n |
Bluetooth | Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 |
GPIO | 14 pin |
LDO regulator | 700 mAh 3.3V |
Size | 18mm x 32mm |
weight | 2.0g |
MicroPython is pre-installed in TinyPICO as an execution environment. It also supports development with the Arduino IDE and can be used as an Arduino compatible board.
In addition, the back of TinyPICO is equipped with pads that support two types of JST connectors , and can be battery-powered using your favorite lithium-ion polymer secondary battery.

TinyPICO is available on Amazon.com and Mouser . In Japan, it is available at Mouser's Japanese distributor for 3068 yen.
CS-TINYPICO-01 Unexpected Maker | Mouser Japan
The TinyPICO blueprints and source code are available on the official GitHub repository .
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