Man admitted to intensive care after guzzling 'energy drinks' every day for two years, claiming he was 'traumatized'
A 21-year-old male university student living in the UK reported that after drinking four 500ml
Energy drink-induced cardiomyopathy | BMJ Case Reports
Heavy Energy Drink Consumption Linked to Heart Failure in 21-Year-Old Man
Young man suffered heart failure after having four cans of energy drink every day for two years | Evening Standard
According to a case report published in the BMJ on April 15, 2021, the man had been suffering from shortness of breath, orthopnea (breathing difficulty when lying down), weight loss, etc. for four months prior to his hospitalization. The man had been attending university, but three months prior to his hospitalization, he had been unable to continue his studies due to poor health and lethargy, and had taken a leave of absence.
The man was examined by a general practitioner, diagnosed with coughing and fever, and prescribed antibiotics, but his shortness of breath and abdominal bloating worsened, so he visited another hospital where he was diagnosed with severe kidney failure accompanied by urinary retention , which meant he was barely able to empty his bladder, and was admitted to hospital for treatment in the intensive care unit.
Regarding the man's lifestyle, the report said: 'The man was a former smoker who had quit smoking three years earlier. He did not consume alcohol or illegal drugs, but had been consuming an average of four 500ml cans of 'energy drink' per day for two years. These energy drinks contained 160mg of caffeine per can, as well as taurine and a variety of other ingredients.'
Through detailed examinations including blood tests, electrocardiograms, and ultrasounds, the man was found to have damage to both his heart and kidneys, and at one point a transplant of both organs was considered. However, after he stopped drinking energy drinks, he recovered rapidly and was discharged 58 days after being admitted to the hospital. After being discharged, the patient reportedly no longer had symptoms such as heart failure or palpitations, and his exercise ability had improved significantly. However, as mild and severe impairment of the function of his heart and kidneys remained, respectively, the report stated that 'it is likely that a kidney transplant will eventually be required.'
'This case highlights the importance of carefully searching for a specific cause in patients with cryptogenic cardiomyopathy, which should include a thorough medical history and the use of energy drinks,' said Gracie Fisk, a physician at St Thomas' Hospital in London, and her colleagues.
The report also includes the man's own testimony, in which he said: 'The experience was extremely traumatic. I suffered delirium while in intensive care and memory loss to the point where I didn't know why I was in intensive care. I also lost sleep due to the constant fear that I would not be able to move or speak, and at times felt overwhelmed by anxiety. I believe there should be more awareness about the effects of energy drinks and their contents. Energy drinks are highly addictive and easily available to small children. Like tobacco, energy drinks should have warning labels warning people of the potential dangers.'
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