Introducing a fierce man who built a water cooling system exclusively for MacBook Pro and realized quietness and high performance

The MacBook Pro with the M1 chip announced by Apple in November 2020 is highly regarded as a high-performance device. Meanwhile, a fierce man who built a dedicated water cooling system appeared in order to make the old generation MacBook Pro acquire high quietness.

So I water-cooled my MacBook Pro | MacRumors Forums

The water cooling system for the MacBook Pro was built by Theodoric, who works on the forums of MacRumors, an Apple information website. Mr. Theodoric is a user of the old generation MacBook Pro, but he said that the sound of too loud fans was in the way of the online meeting. Therefore, Mr. Theodoric decided to try the method posted on the MacRumors forum in 2018, 'Installing a heat sink on the back side of the MacBook to improve the performance and quietness of the MacBook.'

The technique posted in 2018 placed the MacBook face down with a small heatsink and fan. However, Theodoric comes up with the idea of '

putting a large cooling plate under the MacBook Pro and cooling it with a radiator' in order to use the MacBook without turning it over.

The water-cooled system that Seodorikku Mr. build

AliExpress mining are sold under the ASIC and the cooling plate for, Aquacomputer made of pump ' Aquastream XT Ultra ', radiator, which appeared in 2005, ' Zalman Reserator 1 V2 ', purchased at home improvement The hose is used. According to Theodoric, there is no water cooling software on recent Macs, so it was necessary to use Windows on the virtual machine for the initial setting of the pump and Raspberry Pi for temperature monitoring.

Theodoric also put a thermal pad inside the MacBook Pro to increase thermal conductivity.

The benchmark score when using the constructed water cooling system looks like this. The red frame shows the score when Mr. Theodoric placed the machine in an environment of -15 degrees to prevent throttling , and the benchmark result of this water cooling system is orange above it. It is a graph of. 'I don't care about the noise of the fans, and now I have a higher benchmark score than before,' said Theodoric with satisfaction.

In addition, the scene when tested 'on the snow' so that it becomes -15 degrees is as follows.

Theodoric also measures the benchmark score for the

MacBook Air with the M1 chip 'on the snow.'

As a result, a much higher score was recorded than the MacBook Pro with a water cooling system.

in Hardware, Posted by log1o_hf