Is the story that coffee hinders children's growth true?

Some people hesitate to give their children coffee because of the discourse that 'caffeinated beverages hinder their growth.' Science journalist Benjamin Pracket explains whether caffeine really hinders the growth of children.
Does coffee really stunt kids' growth? | Live Science
There are several possible reasons why many believe that coffee hinders the growth of children, one of which was in the 1980s, how many studies found that 'people who drink coffee regularly are at increased risk of osteoporosis.' Mr. Prackett thinks that it has been announced. This study suggests that caffeine intake may lead to calcium excretion in the body, albeit with little effect. This may have led to the discourse that consuming coffee as a child did not get enough calcium to grow bones.
However, a study conducted by Harvard Medical School in 2020 found that 'coffee drinkers tend to consume less milk.' In addition, the same study found that coffee consumption was not associated with osteoporosis, suggesting that osteoporosis may be due to 'not drinking milk' rather than 'drinking coffee.' I have.

'Drinking coffee in moderation is not a big deal,' Meller said. “Coffee bitterness has something in common with vegetable bitterness, and getting used to coffee may help you eat vegetables. Pay attention to sweet juices rather than coffee,” Meller said. continue. However, Mr. Meller does not recommend 'giving children a double espresso every morning.' Caffeine can have effects such as high blood pressure, acid reflux, and disturbing sleep, so it's important to be modest in your intake of caffeine, Meller said.

Prackett said the theory that coffee hinders the growth of children is unfounded and clearly denied. 'There is so much epidemiological research on coffee that it's hard to overturn one health myth,' said science writer Mark Pendergast.
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in Science, Posted by log1p_kr